[NFB-NM] Cancelation of the New Mexico Commission for the Blind State Rehabilitation Council Regular Meeting in Alamogordo: May 15, and 16, 2019

Tonia Trapp nfbnewmexicosecretary at gmail.com
Wed May 8 03:27:24 UTC 2019



Tonia Trapp, secretary

National Federation of the Blind of New Mexico

Live the life you want.


From: Trapp, Greg, CFB <Greg.Trapp at state.nm.us> 
Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2019 1:20 PM
Subject: RE: Cancelation of the New Mexico Commission for the Blind State Rehabilitation Council Regular Meeting in Alamogordo: May 15, and 16, 2019






The State Rehabilitation Council of the Commission for the Blind is canceling the regular meeting scheduled in Alamogordo on May 15 and 16, 2019. This cancelation is due to scheduling conflicts. We regret any inconvenience that this may cause. 


Notices and agendas for future meetings will be posted on the Commission for the Blind web page, www.cfb.state.nm.us <http://www.cfb.state.nm.us> . 


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