[NFB-NM] FW: Please register your child(ren) for child care at state Convention.

nfbnewmexicosecretary at gmail.com nfbnewmexicosecretary at gmail.com
Tue Jul 19 12:47:55 UTC 2022

Greetings Federation members and Friends:
It is my honor to serve as Childcare coordinator this year. If you are
planning on attending the annual State Convention of the National Federation
of the Blind of New Mexico, and you have one or more children who will need
to be cared for during the event, please read and fill out the attached
information sheet. Please note the deadline for registering your child(ren)
is August 13, 2022. Please let me know if you have any questions or need
assistance in filling out the form. I'm looking forward to caring for your
child(ren) this year.
Tara Chavez, Childcare Coordinator
Tmatzick06 at gmail.com <mailto:Tmatzick06 at gmail.com> 
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