[Nfb-or] Why? WASRe: Remove Jackson now! Re: Starting a new chapter in Portland

Tami Kinney tamara.8024 at comcast.net
Sun Sep 18 23:31:25 UTC 2011

Wow! Joseph! I am so impressed with your representation as a proud
member of the NFB on a publicly archived list! Just think how many
legally blind Oregonians looking to be involved and pay dues to join an
organization for the blind will read your comments when they look up the
NFB on Google! This is so cool! I'm sure they'll come flocking for sure.

So, then, we have your side of the story, sort of... There have been
antics! People aren't attending meetings, and we all know why! There is
even (gasp!) fraud. Now we, on the Oregon list, as well as everyone who
knows how to Google and might be interested in finding out more about us
know that you are tired of secrets and antics and games... You and
others are going to leave the NFB, and you are clearly leading the

Still, I don't have a clue what could possibly, really, be going on.
There's been some rational discussion before this about a revised
constitution for the Rose City Chapter... Questions and information that
was exchanged in a businesslike fashion... Offers to meet, requests for
assistance in making it happen...

Then you come on with all of this! , posting your replies to private
messages, it seems. Well, I didn't pay that much attention to the  full
header gunk I had to read through to find out what your replies here
were in response to.So er, what is your agenda there? Really? 
You're tired of secrets, then? you have documentation? The important
thing for those of us who have heard you out here is that we be patient
because someone else has the facts? 

You brought it here, Joe. Fill us in with details to support your
statements. If this is how you behave, then what is it you consider an
antic in another person? Stuff like that. You're coming clean... Really?

Honestly! Snide sarcasm aside, please do let me know when you and your
cohorts have blown the NFB off. I've been wondering if it was worth
coming in for a meeting or two to see what's up these days and to see if
anything has changed so that  I can convince myself the local NFB and
even the state NFB is worth supporting in addition to my regular support
and work for the national NFB. Well, you've saved me train fare and a
long trip, so I guess I should be grateful. Me? The reason I haven't
been coming to meetings or paying state and/or local dues is because of,
well, the same attitude I have encountered in you and what I have heard
hear from at least one of your group of dissidents. So, um... If
meetings are that important to you, go to them! I'll stay away as long
as your ilk is around and do something useful with my time.

For the record, I don't normally talk to people that way, of course, but
since it is so obvious you consider it appropriate a way to speak to
others and to say even worse -- in tone and innuendo -- about others, I
thought I'd just pretend I was in Rome and you're a Roman. 

Now, if you would like to present specific NFB-related issues with which
you disagree that you would question in your elected chapter president,
that's something that would be appropriate for the rest of us to read
and discuss intelligently like adults.

Oh, well. As you have pointed out, I don't have a say in any of it,
since I don't attend meetings. Fair trade, if this is how the people who
do attend meetings are. I'll do my ongoing support of the NFB where it's
doing some good in the work of the NFB. Once I see something useful
coming out of the state affiliate, I will make more effort to pay dues
here. Mark me absent for meetings, thanks.

Er, since I'm going on in this vein, anyway, I will come clean about
myself, and this is a decision I've made long since because of the
prevalence of the attitude I'm talking about here. I will be giving my
time and dues to a leading blindness organization's Oregon affiliate and
even attending events and possibly  meetings and all. Unless they show
me that they don't deserve it, of course.  If this is a representation
of the overall Oregonian blind culture, I won't be surprised, but I
won't have time for it there, either. Guess I'll be finding out now that
I have the extra change.

Way to support the NFB, Joe, and convince NFB members to support the
work of the NFB in Portland and Oregon.


On Tue, 2011-09-13 at 12:04 -0700, T. Joseph Carter wrote: 
> I have documentation of everything here, and assembling a summary 
> took me five printed pages, single spaced, 12 point font.  Sending it 
> out further than it already was (the summary was written so that I 
> could seek advice given the circumstances from other Federationists I 
> trust)  I'm pretty much done with secrets related to this whole 
> affair save a few very indirectly related matters I've been told in 
> strictest confidence and cannot share.
> The rest is here if anyone from national or the state board wants it.  
> It is complete, mostly chronological, and since the details can all 
> be corroborated, it shows that we've got problems here in Portland, 
> no doubt there.
> The problems are complex, and the solutions are not likely to be 
> easy.  The national office was only involved just this morning, so 
> for now patience is called for so that they've time to start figuring 
> out what to DO about it all.
> Joseph
> On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 01:41:25PM -0500, Eric Calhoun wrote:
> >Why create another chapter when you already have the existing chapter, Joe?
> > Either Jim leaves on his own, or he gets removed by state, or, if
> >necessary, by national.  I wish I knew all the antics Mr. Jackson caused.
> >
> >Eric
> >.. ..  Eric from Los Angeles with the baseball list: eric at pmpmail.com.
> >Also on Facebook
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