[NFB-Science] NFB-Science Digest, Vol 148, Issue 2

crazy4chemistry at att.net crazy4chemistry at att.net
Wed Nov 14 17:28:39 UTC 2018

Hello Kendra,

Wow that is quite a bit of information to process at once but I will do my
best to help you with what I can of that.

First off with a degree in climatology how do you plan on doing your science
courses? Do you have accessible technology such as a Talking LabQuest to
take your data? It seems to me that you're focusing too much on the nitty
gritty details that you'll have with any major and you should have a solid
plan on how to complete your major first. Perhaps you already know this
though and that's why you're focusing more on the supplemental courses.

Next, you're falling into a trap that many new students do. It is wise to
seek advise but trust me if you ask everyone you can think of you'll quickly
get overwhelmed. You seem worried about what everyone else thinks and have
heard contradicting information and you're stressing yourself out. 

I'd say take a deep breath and think about you as you are the most important
person in this equation. Do you have a tendency to forget things from
previous classes? If so taking all the math together might be best so it's
fresh in your head. Do you easily get overwhelmed by math but can remember
everything you learned previously or are willing to review in that gap
semester? Then maybe taking a break is good but if you take this path beware
as many people forget things then end in a world of hurt the next semester.

You said you have a counselor that will help you with your class schedule.
These people are trained to know what works so trust them and most
importantly trust yourself because science is a hard road for anyone. Unless
things have changed since I did undergrad, you only have to officially sign
up for one semester at a time so I'd say focus all your effort on this
semester then evaluate what you can do next.

Ashley Neybert

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Subject: NFB-Science Digest, Vol 148, Issue 2

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Today's Topics:

   1. Math query: (Kendra Schaber)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2018 23:38:10 -0800
From: Kendra Schaber <redwing731 at gmail.com>
To: NFB Science and Engineering Division List <nfb-science at nfbnet.org>
Subject: [NFB-Science] Math query:
Message-ID: <6AB0F262-16B7-4D77-A175-0CFDA8E35D0A at gmail.com>
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Hi all!
I have a math query that I?m trying to solve. Starting in the winter, I?m
going to start my climatology degree. The degree requires a lot of math and
a lot of science. There are several factors in this one but I?m asking all
over the map for advise. I?m also not planning on taking courses in the
coming summer because of a good chance of attending the NFB National
Convention. I was informed that the summer classes are short anyway. I have
been advised against it by everyone who I discussed summer to so far.
Because of this thing regarding summer, this gives me another much bigger.
query that I?m on a quest to solve. Before I get to the query itself, I need
to put some factors on the table first. I might not get all of them but
that?s all right because I have plans to delve deeper into factors that I?m
not even aware of at this time. I?ll lay out the ones that I am aware of
here because I want the best advise I can get from you all giving the
information that I include here. My first class is Math111 which is an
Algebra class. I only go up from there. I have to take more algebra classes,
calcus, statistics and the like. I might even have to go higher than that in
math. I have always either struggled in math or felt as though I have
struggled in math. I have even used a math tutor in past math classes.
That?s even taking into account of accessable technology at the time and my
math skills to begin with. One problem that I have ran into when taking math
classes in the past which includes the best tech avalible at the time and a
math tutor is shear burn out. I simply want to avoid as much of that as
possible. But I also want to keep the degree moving along the way the whole
time I?m in school. I don?t know how Math112 will look in terms of studdying
hours, homework and so fforth. But for now, I?ll use Math111 for example. I
got my updated cylabus today and it calculated that on averige, a student
requires around 2 to 3 hours of homework each hour of class. Since I have to
take this class for one hour each wee!
 k day, that means that I have to put in around 3 to 4 hours of my day
devoted to math, including the classroom itself. I?m not including for
unforseen factors of course. I?m just going off of the numbers the cylabus
gave me in print. I might be faster, I might be slower. I might even change
speed depending on when I run into parts that I master quickly and then run
into parts that I struggle with the whole time I?m working. But that last
factor is totally unperdictable. But I have the best technology I know of
and I?m trying to sort out if I?m going to run into something that is
totally inaccessible before I dare attempt at trying it in the class room. I
think that if it?s totally inaccessible, that it?s too late to work around
it except for compleetly unforseen surprises that are also unperdictable.
I?m trying to sort out as many problems ahead of time as possible so that
college will be a bit smoother. One factor that I don?t know anything about
yet is how my writing class will look like. I don?t know what it?s homework
load will look like. I also don?t know my schedule for my writing class will
be like either. In fact, I know nothing about my writing class except for
the fact that it?s called Writing90. That?s it!!! In any case, I also need
to sort out my spring schedule followed up by my fall of 2019 schedule so
that I can get my financial aid sorted out. On top of that, there are some
classes that if I don?t take in the fall, I have to wait a whole year before
I can make another attempt. I have to pick my advisor at the Counseling
Center to sort that factor out. I have already scheduled that appointment.
But I also have classes that are shorter and only take one term to cover.
I?m not sure what those classes are without looking at my degree first. I do
know this, I also have a writing class that I?m taking in the winter. I also
have another writing class that I?m taking in the spring term. I have the
option of taking another math class in the spring term as well. I also have
the option of taking a math clas!
 s in the fall term as well. I also have the option of taking a math class
in the spring and another math class in the fall. I also have the option of
taking my writing class along with something else that is not math in the
spring term and then saving the next math class in the fall term. Mind you,
no mater the options I have listed, the writing class is a constant class in
the winter term and the spring term. But not nessearily in the fall term. I
could take a science class in the fall term along with a math class. I
personally would like to take a math class in the winter along with the
writing class and follow that up with my writing class and something else
other than math in the spring term. But I?m getting mixed and unsertain
feedback on which route to take. Some have suggested that I keep up with the
math class but explore all of my options. Others were simply, unsure. Still
others said to get a math tutor. Someone else suggested that I take
something that I?m good at in the spring and go back to math in the
following fall. I even got someone who is totally unsure which route to
take. I?m going to now give this one to you guys to look over and tell me
what you think. Which route do you think is best for me to avoid burn out
and also keep my degree moving?
One: Math and writing in the winter followed by a second math class along
with a writing class in the spring term and then taking a third math class
in the fall term?
Two: Math and writing in the winter followed up by a writing class and
something else in the spring and then resuming math class in the following
fall term?
I have heard both sides of the argument on which route will be best for me.
Some people have reported that they do better when they get all of their
math classes done at once. Others argued that they favore the break in
between classes. I want the best inclusive feedback on this issue. What are
your experiences? What do you think of all of this? Also, what is your
advise on this cross road?

Thank you for taking the time to read this E Mail! 
Blessed be!!! 
Kendra Schaber,
 Chemeketa Community College,
 350 Org, 
Citizen?s Climate Lobby,    
National Federation of the Blind of Oregon, Capitol Chapter, Salem, Oregon. 
 Home email: 
Redwing731 at gmail.com
 Chemeketa Community College Email: 
 Kschaber at my.Chemeketa.edu
"When the student is ready, the teacher will appear" Author Unknown. 
 Sent From My iPhone SE. 
 Sent from My Gmail Email. 
 Get Outlook Express for IOS.    


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End of NFB-Science Digest, Vol 148, Issue 2

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