[NFB-Science] Accessible Math Web Site

Louis Maher ljmaher03 at outlook.com
Mon Feb 25 14:05:09 UTC 2019


Following last night's STEM call, I am sending out a web page, developed by John Gardner, on accessible STEM materials and methods.  Remember, for STEM courses, to have the best chance of getting accessible material:

  1.  Start working on getting accessible STEM material for courses at least nine months before starting the course.
  2.  Use Braille as much as possible.
  3.  Get your course material in electronic format.  If necessary, write to the author of textbooks for accessible material.  Often the author's original material is far more accessible then the material prepared by the publisher.
  4.  Use readers if that is the best solution.
  5.  NVDA seems to be the best screen reader for working with mathematics.  Also get the MathType and MathPlayer programs.
Studying STEM is fun, exciting, and profitable.

Good luck.

Louis Maher
Phone: 713-444-7838
E-mail ljmaher03 at outlook.com

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