[Nfb-seniors] Fwd: Update Dolphin Guide - version 6.0.29 out NOW

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Tue Mar 6 01:31:47 UTC 2012

>A new update for Guide version 6 customers is now available to 
>download via your internet updater. This free download includes a 
>large number of fixes and will update your Dolphin Guide software to 
>version 6.029.
>In recent months the BBC listen again service had been changed and 
>was no longer accessible for some Dolphin Guide customers in the UK. 
>The fix from Dolphin will enable you to listen to your favourite BBC 
>radio shows from within Guide again. You can pause, stop and start 
>the radio show however, due to limitations of the BBC technology, we 
>are still unable to access the 'skip forward' and 'skip backward' 
>features at this time.
>This update contains a number of other bug fixes and improvements, 
>for details of the other fixes in this release, visit the list of 
>'What's New' on the Dolphin website:
>How to update Guide:
> From the Main Menu choose option 9 (more menu options) then option 
> 8 (system settings) and then option 8 (check for program updates). 
> The update will start downloading, you can continue to use Guide 
> while it does this. It will take a fair while and this will depend 
> on the speed of your internet connection, if you check back at the 
> same location periodically it will tell you the percentage 
> complete. Once the update has finished downloading, there will be 
> an option on the menu to install it.
>Please do not hesitate to contact our friendly support team if you 
>experience problems updating:
>guide.support at yourdolphin.com
>01905 754765 (UK)
>For other enquiries including training, PC packages and more, please 
>call David on 01905 754577 extension 228 or email davidc at yourdolphin.com
>David Christakis is your new Dolphin Guide contact, based at Dolphin 
>HQ in Worcester, UK.
>Important: You have been sent this email as a valued customer of the 
>Dolphin Group. We respect your privacy and if you no longer wish to 
>be included in these mailings please email info at dolphinuk.co.uk with 
>the word "unsubscribe" in the subject.
>Please do not reply to this email as this mailbox is not monitored.
>Dolphin Computer Access Ltd.
>Registered in England No. 2065974
>Registered Address: Technology House, Blackpole Estate West, 
>Worcester, UK. WR3 8TJ Visit Dolphin online at:

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