[Nfb-seniors] NFBN Senior Division Monthly Meeting - Monday April 10th - All welcomed

Robert Leslie Newman newmanrl at cox.net
Wed Apr 5 13:07:58 UTC 2017

Hi you all

RE: Notice of our April meeting!

(Visitors are welcome)


Contents of this message:

*When and how to get on the call


*Minutes from our last meeting - pasted below

*The NFB Pledge 


*#1 When and How to Get On the Call:

Date: Monday April 10th 

Time: 6:00 MT, 7:00 CT 

Phone: 1-712-451-0011

Access Code: 345154Pound


*#2 Agenda:

-First- Come-to-order, say our NFB pledge (Gina will do the honors)

-Second- secretary & treasurers Reports Will be discussed and approved
and/or accepted



-More thoughts on our part in the 2017 state convention?

-Any one need tech training? (More on Friends of the commission's ANTS

-Anything you may bring



-Update from the State Board Meeting 

-Anything you may bring


*#3 Philosophical Discussion: Read through the below short fictional story
and be ready to discuss it. (This was the first Thought Provoker; September
of 1989.


Blindness and Sharks 


The torpedo shaped fish circled and circled in the desktop Aquarium. My
friend was showing me his new pet shark. "He is not a true miniature. He is
small because of the size of the tank I keep him in. If we let him go out to
sea, he will grow to his species normal size." 


"Interesting." I said, thinking I'd tell him all that I thought; Weird or
not. "This puts me in mind of some blind people I know." 


"What do you mean?" My friend asked. 


--Finally- Brags & Drags



*#4 NFB Pledge: 

 I pledge to participate actively in the efforts of the National

Federation of the Blind to achieve equality, opportunity, and security for
the blind; to support the policies and programs of the Federation; and to
abide by its constitution.


**Last months minutes:




Monday, March 13, 2017



The National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska Senior Division met by
telephone conference on Monday, March 13, 2017. President Robert Newman
called the meeting to order at 7:09 PM CDT. Members present were: President
Robert Newman, Vice President Barbara Loos, Secretary Linda Mentink,
Treasurer Cheryl Livingston, Chris Boone, Gina Finnell, Brad Loos, and Steve
Senteney. Guests present were: Warren Bennet and Della Johnston.


Steve recited the NFB Pledge. Gina will recite it next month.


Linda read the February meeting minutes. Two spellings of last names were
corrected, and the paragraph about Amy coming to speak was reworded. Gina
moved, Chris seconded, that the minutes be accepted as corrected. The motion


Cheryl gave the Treasurer's report. She filled out the form to increase our
PAC. Our beginning balance February 13 was $853.31. There was no activity,
so the ending balance March 13 is $853.31. She has two checks to deposit
from B Canes. Linda moved, Chris seconded, that the Treasurer's report be
accepted. The motion carried.


Chris asked Cheryl about B Canes. Cheryl explained that it was Bob Riley's
cane-making business. He is liquidating his invintory and giving the
proceeds to the state. At some point he indicated verbally that he wanted
10% to go to the Senior Division.


OLD BUSINESS. Robert reported that Friends of the Commission is now taking
names of students, who are seniors, who want to be trained to use their
computer, iDevice or Android device. They are also looking for trainers. He
also mentioned the fund-raiser with Schwan's.


NEW BUSINESS. ROBERT said we need to start thinking about our next state
convention, which will again be in Columbus. He thinks Amy is working out a
deal with the hotel that, if we are there three times in five years, we will
get a discount on our costs. This was mentioned at the State Board meeting.


He then asked Cheryl to talk about the bequest which the NFB of Nebraska was
given. Cheryl said we were one of four organizations to receive money from
Gwendolyn Mangnall. This is the largest bequest in the history of the


Robert went back to brainstorming about what we want to do at the next state
convention. We will sell clickers and do the exercise breaks again. Chris
suggested that two or three members each choose someone from the Federation

pretty famous, living or dead, and give some quotes from that person, or
tell something about that person or some of the things they did, or where
they were from, and have the membership guess who it is.


Barbara reported that she went to the Disability Committee meeting
concerning transportation around the state on the 2nd. Many committee
members have been at our conventions. Tiffany may have been instrumental in
getting a representative from NFBN on the committee. Several members talked
after the meeting, and they'd like to come back to our convention and talk
with us again. In the western part of the state they're going to try a fixed
and deviated route system, meaning that they have a fixed rout, but can go
off the on-demand place to pick someone up who uses a wheelchair, for
example, and can't get to the on-demand place. They are working on trying to
link a system together with private entities. They're starting to talk with
some of the hospitals' personnel about working out transportation to and
from appointments for those in rural areas. There are going to be some
excellerated experiments in the eastern part of the state, maybe Johnson
County, where they're going to attempt to create a mock system. They will
need to use websites or something, and also hire someone to take calls.
There are also huge disperities in what people pay. They will be having some
town hall meetings around the state.


PHILOSOPHICAL DISCUSSION. Barbara read the thought provoker entitled
"Blindness Lifestyle," which Robert provided on our listserv. This prompted
a discussion about blindness skills, career choices, employment, and
financial assistance. No one had any ideas for a topic for next month. If
Robert doesn't get any from us, he'll pull up another thought provoker.


BRAGS AND DRAGS. No one had anything to share.


Chris moved, Barbara seconded, that we adjourn, which we did at 8:38 PM.


Respectfully submitted,


Linda Mentink, Secretary



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