[Nfb-seniors] NFBN Senior division - Notice of Our March Phone Meeting - Guest Welcome

Robert Leslie Newman newmanrl at cox.net
Mon Mar 6 19:39:38 UTC 2017

Hi you all

RE: Notice of our March meeting!

(Visitors are welcome)


Contents of this message:

*When and how to get on the call


*Minutes from our last meeting - pasted below

*The NFB Pledge 


*#1 When and How to Get On the Call:

Date: Monday March 13th 

Time: 6:00 MT, 7:00 CT 

Phone: 1-712-451-0011

Access Code: 345154Pound


*#2 Agenda:

-First- Come-to-order, say our NFB pledge (Steve will do the honors)

-Second- secretary & treasurers Reports Will be discussed and approved
and/or accepted



-Anything you may bring



-Early state convention discussion

-Anything you may bring


*#3 Philosophical Discussion: Read through the below short fictional story
and be ready to discuss it. What do you think of the guy's life style? 



Blindness and Lifestyle


"It's 10:30 AM." announced the talking clock.


The hand of the man who had pressed the button fell back onto the bed. "Oh,
blast!" he mumbled. "I better get up. Got to meet my friends at the park in
less than an hour." Stretching, he rolled out of bed and groggily shuffled
across the small apartment toward the bathroom and soon, his closet.


"Where's that shoe gone to now...? Ow! Stupid place for a shoe to be!" After
a big yawn, he continued talking to himself, "Let's see now what all is on
the agenda for the day... Meet Tommy and Sherry at the park by our favorite
bench...maybe I can talk them into grabbing a corndog at the vender that
usually hangs around there. Then there was talk about going to somebody's
place to do some music or watch a descriptive video. Wonder who will pay to
rent this one? Not me this late in the month!"


Tying the laces on the first shoe as he thought of another one of his
closest friends from his days at the school for the blind, he again thought
out-loud, "It won't be Mike's place, like Sherry was thinking. Bet she
doesn't know.poor dude will be back at work. Guess his forced vacation,
being laid off, came to a halt. Too soon, too bad, buddy! Well...," he
struggled to untie a knot in the laces of the second shoe, "Work is okay.
However, not for all, that's just not the way I want to do it. Not if I
don't have to or want to. Nope." He shook his head emphatically. 


"I'm making it pretty good. Got my monthly check from the big G. I'm living
in some good public housing and there are other support programs around if I
need them." Pulling on his second shoe, he said, "I've got a lot to look
forward to every day. If the mailman drops off that new best seller I
ordered in Braille from the library, I'll stay home tomorrow. Stretching the
old intellect is good stuff!"


Searching for his cane, his thoughts culminated on this topic which he and
his blind friends had hashed over many times. He said as he had said before,
"There are the lifestyles of the rich and famous, there are the lifestyles
of the blind which could be one and the same, but...with circumstances,
breaks, and choice...I am, who I am. At the end of the day, guess the key is
to like yourself, and I do." Stepping outside, the door clicking locked, he
walked away whistling a cheery rendition of "Popeye, the sailorman." 


--Finally- Brags & Drags



*#4 NFB Pledge: 

 I pledge to participate actively in the efforts of the National

Federation of the Blind to achieve equality, opportunity, and security for
the blind; to support the policies and programs of the Federation; and to
abide by its constitution.




Monday, February 13, 2017


The National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska Senior Division met by
telephone conference on Monday, February 13, 2017. President Robert Newman
called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM CST. Members present were: President
Robert Newman, Vice President Barbara Loos, Secretary Linda Mentink,
Treasurer Cheryl Livingston, Board Member Nancy Oltman, Chris Boone, Gina
Finnell, Walt Hively, Geralynn Konruff, Brad Loos, and Steve Senteney. The
only guest present was Warren Bennet.


Chris recited the NFB Pledge.


Linda read the January meeting minutes. Chris moved, Cheryl seconded, the
reports be approved as read. The motion carried.


Cheryl gave the treasurer's report. Our beginning balance January 9 was
$765.53. Our only expense was our $10 PAC. There were two deposits: $66 from
B Canes and $10 dues from Becky McCullough, for a total of $76. Our ending
balance as of February 13 is $831.53. She needs to fill out the form to get
our PAC increased to $15 a month. Chris moved, Walt seconded, we accept the
Treasurer's report as given. The motion carried.


There was no other old business.


Robert, Chris and Barbara explained about the Friends of the Commission.
This group was formed to support the Commission and help to do some things
that it can't do because of financial restrictions. They now also have a
grant program, which has supported our BELL Academy and Camp Abilities at
Boys Town, a recreational program for kids from 9 to 19. Both programs help
the participants develop confidence. This year they are changing it a bit,
and are providing a program to help seniors with technology called ANTS,
Access to Nonvisual Technology for Seniors. It's not off the ground yet, but
they hope to work directly with Commission staff, who have the go-ahead to
be among the service providers if they want to. They can help find students
and trainers (for example a current or past client). The Friends would then
pair up the student and trainer. There will be up to $1000 in a grant and up
to $100 per student, helping up to ten people. It will be keyed to teaching
someone one specific thing. Also, the Friends of the Commission is doing a
fund-raiser with Schwan's through March 23.


Steve expressed interest in getting a computer and learning how to use it.
He had been taking care of his mother until she died January 10. He is now
free to do more. He shared about his skiing experience at Ski for Light,
using a device that gives vibration signals. He was on the TV.


Our philosophical discussion was about technology that makes us more
independent. Robert shared about a couple iPhone apps that he likes, and how
he labels his favorite spices. Fun stories were shared about cooking
accidents. Robert mentioned the BARD app for the iPhone and the new one for
the PC, BARD Express. TV apps were also discussed. Gina puts her cooking oil
in the refrigerator so that she can feel it.


Brags and Drags: Steve said that he was able to dial the conference number
himself for the first time.


Linda mentioned that Columbus now has a local NFB chapter, and she is its


Gina said that they started using the fistula that she got in her leg, and
they are taking the catheter out of her chest on Friday. She's looking
forward to a shower on Saturday.


Nancy was pleased to be a part of her nephew's granddaughter's baptism in


Barbara reported that Brad and she have started using the AIRA technology.


Chris said that we had a really great hearing on the parent's bill last
Wednesday. There were representatives there from many other disability


Robert said that Amy is going to get back to him about which month would
work best for her to speak to us about the different ways this movement is


Warren said that this was the third year for the Nebraska bus going to Ski
for Light. There were 29 participants, beating North Dakota and South


No one had an idea for a philosophical discussion for the next meeting, so
Robert will look through his Thought Provokers and see if he can find
something there.


Gina moved, Nancy seconded, we adjourned. The motion carried and the meeting
adjourned at 8:52.


Respectfully submitted,


Linda Mentink, Secretary


** Treasurer's Report-Senior Division

February 13 2017


Beginning Balance January 9, 2016                   $765.53


Feb PAC plan                                                           $

Total Expenses                                                        $10.00


Donation-B Canes                                                  $66.00


Total   Deposits

Ending Balance       February 13, 2017               $831.53

Respectfully submitted,

Cheryl Livingston, Treasurer




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