[Nfb-seniors] NFBN Senior Division November Meeting Reminder - Visitors Welcome - We have a Special Guest!!!

Robert Leslie Newman robertleslienewman at gmail.com
Fri Nov 10 16:49:01 UTC 2017

Hi you all

RE: Reminder of our November meeting; this coming Monday!

(Visitors are welcome)


Contents of this message:

*When and how to get on the call


*Special Guest

*Minutes from our last meeting; pasted in below

*The NFB Pledge 


*#1 When and How to Get On the Call:

Date: Monday November 13th 

Time: 6:00 MT, 7:00 CT 

Phone: 1-712-451-0011

Access Code: 345154Pound


*#2 Agenda:

-First- Come-to-order, say our NFB pledge (Robert will present our pledge)


-Second- Our special guest speaker presents- Julie Johnson on: how dog
guides work; how to train your own dog guide; talk about the book she wrote
on the subject of training your own dog as a guide; tell us about her eStore
on the "Blind Mice Mega Mall;" talk to us on how she has managed  herself as
a blind person who has had several careers; and though more, one thing I'd
like to hear is .  your thoughts on the pluses and/or minuses of being blind
and living in a smaller community where there may be from none, to only a
few other blind people?


-Third- secretary & treasurers Reports Will be given



-Membership- do make calls to past members who have not joined us during
recent meetings. And/or think of someone new to call and invite to join us
for this or next month's meeting.

-Any new ideas for finding people who need us?

-Anything you may bring



-GoGoGrandparent a service to transport you, the Senior

-Any special requests for upcoming meetings?

-Anything you may bring 


--Finally- Brags & Drags




*#4 NFB Pledge: 

 I pledge to participate actively in the efforts of the National

Federation of the Blind to achieve equality, opportunity, and security for
the blind; to support the policies and programs of the Federation; and to
abide by its constitution.


**Last Meeting Minutes:




Monday, October 9, 2017


The National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska Senior Division met by
telephone conference on Monday, October 9, 2017. President Robert Newman
called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM CDT. Members present were: President
Robert Newman, Vice President Barbara Loos, Secretary Linda Mentink,
Treasurer Cheryl Livingston, Board Member Nancy Oltman, Chris Boone, Gina
Finnell, Geralyn Konruff, Brad Loos, and Steve Senteney. Guests were:
Michael Jones, Della Johnston, and Gwynne Widhalm.


Robert recited the NFB Pledge. Chris will recite it next month.


Linda read the September meeting minutes. Chris moved, Cheryl seconded, that
we approve the minutes as read. The motion carried.


Cheryl read the Treasurer's Report as follows:


Treasurer's Report-Senior Division

  October 9, 2017

  Beginning Balance Sept 11, 2017 $1058.53


  PAC plan for October $ 15.00

  Check 1226 to NFBN on Oct 7 $ 80.00

Convention registration for Senior Scholarship

  Deposits None

  Ending Balance October 9, 2017 $ 963.53

  Respectfully submitted,

  Cheryl Livingston, Treasurer

Nancy moved, Linda seconded, that we accept the Treasurer's report. The
motion carried.


OLD BUSINESS. Chris reported that there are no state laws about emergency
preparedness. She said we should all have a plan.


Barbara thanked Michael, Warren and Gina for their help with transportation
providers. Dash-About is relatively defunct. The Mobility Management
Statewide Coordinating Committee is working on creating an app for people to
use to get transportation, and making all transportation provider apps
accessible. The committee will potentially meet quarterly, and will try to
meet in different parts of the state.


NEW BUSINESS. Robert told us what he has on the agenda for our convention
division meeting, which is scheduled from 9:00 to 11:00 Saturday morning. We
made arrangements for people to fill in for Robert and Linda, who would be
on the Nominating Committee, but the convention agenda was changed, so no
replacements were necessary. ROBERT mentioned elections. All our current
board members are willing to remain, but are willing to be bumped.


Gwynne is our scholarship winner. She thanked us for the opportunity.


BRAGS AND DRAGS. Chris said that a mother cat had three kittens in August,
and she died when they were about three weeks old. They were able to save
all three, and are adopting two out.


Gwynne has a grandson who just celebrated his third birthday on October 3.


Cheryl moved, Nancy  seconded, that we adjourn, which we did at 8:23 PM.


Respectfully submitted,


Linda Mentink, Secretary





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