[NFB-Seniors] Nebraska Senior Division March Meeting - Special Guest- News about AFB for seniors and a website for blind travelers

Robert Leslie Newman robertleslienewman at gmail.com
Fri Mar 6 20:13:21 UTC 2020

Hi You All 

RE: Our meeting is three days away! Monday the 9th

Non-members are welcome


Topic: Special Guest- Stacy Cervenka will talk to us on two topics: 


First, as the Director of Public Policy for the American Foundation for the
Blind (AFB), Stacy will cover the various services AFB has for blind


Second, she will fill us in on a website that she has created, and was
awarded the 2019 Holman Prize for its unique service to the blind; read the
below award summary.


On June 3, 2019, Holman Prizewinner Stacy Cervenka launched the Blind
Travelers' Network, an online platform to connect blind and visually
impaired people with information and resources for nonvisual accessibility
in countries around the world. The platform hosts blog posts, reviews,

discussion boards, and event listings to help users expand their horizons,
leave their comfort zone behind, and explore new places.


Contents of this message:

*When and how to get on the call

*Agenda; Minutes and Treasurer's reports are coming

*The NFB Pledge 


*#1 When and How to Get On the Call:

Date: March 9th

Time: 5:00 Pacific; 6:00 Mountain; 7:00 Central; 8:00 Eastern 

Phone: 1-712-451-0011

Access Code: 345154Pound


*#2 Agenda:

-First- Come to order, introductions, say our NFB pledge; Robert Leslie
Newman presents


-Second- Our special guest, Stacy Cervenka will present, and answer


third- Secretary & Treasurers Reports



-Membership- do make calls to past members who have not joined us during
recent meetings. And/or think of someone new to call and invite to join us
for this or next month's meeting.

- Update on video.

-Any other old business you may bring



-Legislative efforts; state and national

-Anything you may bring


--Finally- Brags & Drags


*#3 Our NFB Pledge: 

I pledge to participate actively in the efforts of the National Federation
of the Blind to achieve equality, opportunity, and security for the blind;
to support the policies and programs of the Federation; and to abide by its


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