[NFB-Seniors] nfbnj senior division meeting tonight at 8 PM eastern

Jane Degenshein jdegen16 at comcast.net
Mon Mar 16 16:55:25 UTC 2020

Just a friendly reminder that our  NFBNJ senior division is holding a phone 
conference tonight at 8 PM eastern
Many of us are staying in now and a phone meeting may be a welcome diversion 
from this new situation we find ourselves in.
I am also sharing that we have a guest tonight, Shane Lowe, a consultant 
with Mediate a Massachusetts
based company.
She will discuss the new app called super read  an OCR scanner which is in 
development stage
Dial: 1 605 468 8005
Access code: 460994 POUND
Hope to see you there friends!!!
Keep Smiling,
Janie Degenshein
Happiness isn't having what you want, but wanting what you already have!
Facilitator of ECHO (Eyes Closed Hearts Open)
state affiliate board member
President of the senior division of the National Federation of the Blind of 
New Jersey
to join the senior list serve:
President of the Technology division of the National federation of the Blind 
of New Jersey
To join the tech div list serve:

NFBNJ Newsline co-ordinator
jdegen16 at comcast.net

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