[NFB-Seniors] NFB of Georgia state convention Agenda and zoom information

Vanessa Meadows vmeadows at nfbga.org
Thu Nov 5 02:47:03 UTC 2020


Please read below.

The following information will help you get the most fromyour ZOOM 
Conference experience.

Using Telephone:

To mute or unmute your audio, press *6.

Note: during General Session, all persons will be muted by default. You 
must raise your hand to request the ability to speak.

If your name is mentioned as a winner of a door prize, you must raise 
your hand to claim your prize.

To raise your hand to ask a question, or claim your door prize, press *9.

Always allow the host to lower your hand.

Using Mac Computer:

Mute your microphone by pressing Command+Shift+A or press spacebar on 
the mute audio button.To unmute, press Command+Shift+A again or press 
the spacebar on the unmute button.

To raise your hand, press Option+Y.

Always allow the host to lower your hand.

Using Windows Desktop or Laptop Computer:

Mute your microphone by pressing Alt+A or press spacebar on the mute 
audio button.To unmute, press Alt+A again or press the spacebar on the 
unmute button.

To raise your hand, press Alt+Y.

Always allow the host to lower your hand.

Using iPhone or iPad:

Tap on the settings button and look through the options to improve your 

*There are two buttons, meetings and general. Meetings has settings you 
should review.

Auto connect to audio allows you to select connect using internet audio.

This gets rid of the prompt before you connect to a meeting and ensures 
you get the best sound quality.

Always mute my microphone when joining a meeting ensures you are never 
accidentally heard until you want to speak.

Then just double tap the unmute audio button when you have something to 

Always turn off my video ensures you never unintentionally show yourself 
or your environment when you did not mean to.

Important: To prevent the annoyance of VoiceOver always speaking the 
names of participants as they join and leave, turn off Show name when 
participants join.

When connecting, you will get a prompt saying, "to hear others, please 
join audio.”Select the "call using internet audio" option or go into 
settings and select internet audio to always be automatically connected.

Important: Find and double tap the mute my audio button until you want 
to be heard. Or go into settings and choose to always mute audio upon entry.

To raise your hand, tap on the more button on the far lower right, then 
double tap the button to raise your hand. This will exit you to the main 
screen. Allow the host to lower your hand.

To know who is currently speaking, swipe to the far left. It will say, 
displaying person's name avatar.

You may want to use earbuds.

Again, always make sure your microphone is muted when you are not 
speaking to prevent background noise or people hearing you.

*Note:Agenda times are all Eastern Standard time zone.


*Join Zoom Meeting ***

https://zoom.us/j/95539617118 <https://zoom.us/j/95539617118>**


Meeting ID: 955 3961 7118


One tap mobile


Dial in by phone: +1 646 876 9923

Meeting ID: 955 3961 7118


Instructions for listening on an Echo device

  Wake word Alexa: call 646 876 9923

Just like calling on the phone, you will hear “welcome to Zoom. “

Meeting ID when prompted, then say wake word Alexa: Press

955 3961 7118 pound, listen for “enter your meeting ID or just press 
pound.”Then say Alexa Press pound to enter the meeting.

Wake word Alexa: Press *6 to mute and unmute

A Huge THANK YOU to all our Sponsors!**

National Federation of the Blind of Georgia

2020 State Convention


Sharing the Vision—Shapes the Future

Affiliate President, Dorothy Griffin

National Representative, Denise Avant,

NFB National Directors Board Member, Illinois

November6-8, 2020

Zoom Virtual Platform & NFBGA Conference Line

Welcome to the 2020 Georgia State Convention

Our Affiliate President Dorothy Griffin, the board of directors and the 
convention committee would like to welcome you to the 47^th annual state 
convention of the National Federation of the Blind of Georgia. Many 
people have worked hard over the last several months to create a dynamic 
and engaging agenda with something for everyone. If you have any 
questions or concerns, feel free to contactany board member at 
theblind at nfbga.org <mailto:theblind at nfbga.org>and we will help you take 
care of whatever you need.

Our convention theme this year is “Sharing the Vision—Shapes the 
Future”The past year has been an exciting time ofgrowth for the NFB of 
Georgia. We invested in our movement by training our seniors, supporting 
our students, advocating for higher education & job training services 
and working for our right to accessible voting and to do it privately 
and independently.We want to celebrate those accomplishments and plan 
the next phase of sharing the vision! So, jump in. Your contributions 
are wanted and needed. We strongly believe that, “Many hands make light 
work.” Let’s go build the National Federation of the Blind of Georgia!

The National Federation of the Blind of Georgia would like to welcome 
our Veterans and thank you for your service!

NFB Pledge

Ipledge to participate actively in the effort of the National Federation 
of the Blind to achieve equality, opportunity, and security for the 
blind; to support the policies and programs of the Federation; and to 
abide by its constitution.

NFB of Georgia Officers and Board of Directors 2019-2020

President – Dorothy Griffin, Georgia Affiliate

1^st Vice President – Gaylon Tootle, Central Savannah River


2^nd Vice President –Vanessa Meadows, Alanta Metropolitan


Secretary – Katey Jackson, Atlanta Metropolitan Chapter

Treasurer – Nata Watkins, At Large Chapter

Board Seat 1 – Marcia Robinson, Atlanta Metropolitan Chapter

Board Seat 2 – Angela Daniel, Southside of Atlanta Chapter

Board Seat 3 – Stancil Tootle, Bainbridge Chapter

Board Seat 4 – Shikha Desai, Atlanta Metropolitan Chapter

Board Seat 5 – Darryl Rutledge, Affiliate Member

Board Seat 6 – McArthur Jarrett, Chatham County Chapter

All meeting times are eastern standard time zone.

Friday, November 6, 2020

Seminar Day

Join Zoom Meeting

https://zoom.us/j/95539617118 <https://zoom.us/j/95539617118>**


One tap mobile


Dial in by phone: +1 646 876 9923

Meeting ID: 955 3961 7118

11:00 AM - 11:50 AM - Angel Eyes Fitness & Nutrition, Dawn Wells

12:00 PM -1:30 PM - Senior Division, Vanessa Meadows

*1:45 PM - 2:30 PM - Diabetes Action Network Division, Robert Smith

*Note: Diabetes Seminar will be on our Affiliate Free Conference Call 
Line: Dial: 712-775-7085, code: 951866 pound

To bypass prover charges dial: 425-535-9164, then

follow the promptsand enter 712-775-7085, code: 951866

2:30 PM- 2:50 PM - VANDA PHARMACEUTICALS, Vicki Preddy

3:00 PM- 3:55 PM - Men’s Health, Dr. Jay Morgan

4:00 PM - 4:50 PM - Essential Oils, Ms. Anita Eley

5:00 PM - 6:30 PM - Blind Employee Panel, Jamila Lane

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM - Student Seminar, Justin Heard

Join Student’s Zoom Meeting


Passcode: 1111


One tap mobile



Dial by phone:

+1 646 558 8656

Meeting ID: 890 7425 3594

8:00 PM - NFBGA Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting

https://zoom.us/j/95539617118 <https://zoom.us/j/95539617118>**


One tap mobile


Dial in by phone: +1 646 876 9923

Meeting ID: 955 3961 7118

Saturday, November 7, 2020

General Session

Join Zoom Meeting for sessions on Saturday & Sunday:

https://zoom.us/j/95539617118 <https://zoom.us/j/95539617118>**


One tap mobile +16468769923,,95539617118#

Dial in by phone: +1 646 876 9923

Meeting ID: 955 3961 7118

9:00 AM - Call To Order

9:05 AM - Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance

National Anthem, NFB Pledge and Moment o Silence

9:15 AM – Welcome, Katey Jackson

9:20 AM– 10:00 AM - National Report, National Representative

Denise Avant, NFB National Directors Board Member,Illinois

10:05 AM - Door Prize, Vanessa Meadows

10:10 AM - 10:20 AM VANDA Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Vicki Preddy, MSN, RN Nurse Educator

10:25 AM - Fit Break and Door Prize,

10:30 Am - 11:10 AM - Center for Independent Living and Training Centers 
- disABILITY LINK, Colorado, Blind Inc. and Louisiana

11:10 AM - Door Prizes-

11:15 AM - 11:25 AM - Georgia Libraries for Accessible Statewide 
Services (GLASS), Asha Hagood and Beverly Williams

11:30 AM - 11:45 AM - NFB Newsline Service, Jessica Beecham

11:50 AM – Announcements and Door Prizes

12:00 PM -Adjourn

12:00 Noon -1:30 PM – Break

Saturday, November 7, 2020 -Continued

1:30 PM - 4:00 PM - General Session,

1:30 PM - 1:35 PM - Call to Order

1:35 PM - 1:55 PM – State President Report – Dorothy Griffin, Affiliate 

1:55 PM - DoorPrizes

2:00 PM - 2:10 PM National Association of Blind Students - Johna Wright

Saturday, November 7, 2020-Continued

2:15 PM - 2:35 PM - Updates from Project Independence, Kay McGill 
Program Manager, Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency

2:40 PM - Fit Break and Door Prizes

2:50 PM - 3:15 PM - Dropping the Dis, Tina Aldridge and Tracy Jackson

3:20 PM - 3:45 PM - Advocacy:The beginning steps of freedom and 
independence. Grace Dixon and Daryl (Bishop) Rutledge

3:50 PM – Announcements and Door Prizes

4:00 PM - Adjourn

6:00 PM – 8:00 PM - NFBGA2020 State Convention Banquet,

Invocation - Darryl Rutledge

President Dorothy Griffin:Welcome

Master of Ceremony: Garrick Scott,

Keynote Speaker: National Representative Denise Avant

Garrick Scott - Fundraiser:

Sunday, November 8, 2020

**Subject to change**

12:30 PM - Call to order

12:35 PM - 1:10 PM Memorial Service, Robert Smith

1:15 PM - Annual BusinessMeeting

1:15 PM -Door Prizes

1:20 PM 1:55 PM - Roll Call of Chapters and Divisions

2:00 PM - 2:15 PM Officer Reports

2:20 PM -Door Prizes

2:30 PM - President Report,



National Representative Biography

I am Denise Renee Avant. I was raised in and I am still a resident of 
Chicago.I was admitted to practice law in Illinois in 1984. Iattended 
the University of Missouri-Columbia, where I received a B.A. in 
political science in 1980, and a J.D.in 1983. I received my M.A.in 
journalism from Roosevelt University in 2003.

I retired from the Office of the Cook County Public Defender on August 
31, 2017 after thirty years of service. I worked in our appellate and 
post-conviction units. Prior to working at the Public Defender, I worked 
for two years at the Will County Legal Assistance Program, Inc.

I am the affiliate President of the National Federation of the Blind Of 
Illinois, andcurrently serve on the Board of Directors ofthe National 
Federation of the Blind, as well as on the board of the National 
Association of Blind Lawyers, a division of the NFB.

I will be starting my second year as thechair of the Commission on 
Disability Rights. I have been a member of the American Bar Association 
since 2012, during which time I served as a commissioner on the 
Commission on Disability Rights, Center for Racial and Ethnic Diversity 
and Commission on Youth at Risk. I will be starting my second term as a 
Member at Large/Disability to the ABA’s nominating committee for the 
House of Delegates, and I have served on other ABA committees as well.

I participated in the Implicit Bias video series sponsored by the ABA. 
In August 2018 at the ABA’s annual meeting, the Government and Public 
Sectors Lawyers Division presented me with the Nelson award.

My hobbies are reading, exercising and cross-country skiing, I am a 
longtime member and a deaconess and Secretary of the Board of Directors 
at Christian Tabernacle church,located on the south side of Chicago.

2020 State Convention Sponsors

We want to give a huge thanks to all our Convention Sponsors

*Diamond Level Sponsor

VANDA Pharmaceuticals

Elliot and Mary Daniel

*Bronze Level Sponsors

Griffin Lions Club

Happy Feet Mission

The National Federation of the Blind of Georgia would like to thank you 
all for attending our 47^th State Convention and we look forward to 
seeing you all again next year. Please remember that blindness is not 
the characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise 
the expectations of blind people, because low expectations create 
obstacles between blind people and our dreams. You can live the life you 
want; blindness is not what holds you back

Vanessa Meadows, 2nd Vice-President
National Federation of the Blind of Georgia
President of the Senior Division
1st Vice-President of the Atlanta Metro Chapter
vmeadows at nfbga.org

The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not the characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise the expectations
of blind people, because low expectations create obstacles between blind people and our dreams. You can live the life you want; blindness is not what holds
you back.

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