[nfb-talk] Fw: [blind-catholics] Vatican's braille stamp

Ed Meskys edmeskys at roadrunner.com
Tue Nov 10 19:44:49 UTC 2009

Ed Meskys
edmeskys @ roadrunner.com
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Schneider, Katherine S." <SCHNEIKS at uwec.edu>
To: <blind-catholics at googlegroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 2009 2:03 PM
Subject: [blind-catholics] Vatican's braille stamp

Vatican issues first Braille stamp in honor of bicentenary of Louis Braille 
Vatican City, November 5 ( CNA
) .- The Vatican post office has issued it's first ever Braille stamp to 
celebrate the 200th Anniversary of the birth of Louis Braille, who created 
the universal reading and writing system for the blind. The stamps feature a 
portrait of Louis Braille, the inventor's name, the Vatican City State and 
the price written in the raised dots of the Braille system. Valued at $0.96 
each, 300,000 stamps have been issued and will go on sale at the Vatican's 
post offices near St. Peter's Basilica, according to the Canadian Press. 
Born in France in 1809, Louis Braille was blinded in an accident at the age 
of four. Despite this challenge, he insisted on attending school at the age 
of ten and was accepted to the Institute of the Blind in Paris. He was 
instructed in the Huay method for teaching the blind, which did not allow 
for any writing. Braille became an instructor at the school at the young age 
of 18 and within two years had developed a simpler and more intuitive 
learning method. He eventually expanded his method to include musical 
notation. Shortly after his death at the age of 43, France adopted his 
system and at the World Congress of Education for the Blind in 1878, the 
Braille method was declared universal.

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Katherine Schneider, Ph.D.
Senior Psychologist, Emerita
Counseling Service
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
schneiks at uwec.edu

It is my ambition to say in ten sentences what others say in a whole book. - 
Friedrich Nietzsche

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