November 2009 Archives by subject
Starting: Mon Nov 2 18:22:19 UTC 2009
Ending: Mon Nov 30 23:31:56 UTC 2009
Messages: 185
- [nfb-talk] 2010 NFB Leadership and Advocacy in Washington Program for Students
Hartle, Mary Jo
- [nfb-talk] [Blindtlk] Recipes Needed
David Andrews
- [nfb-talk] [nfbcs] Accessible IPod
Wm. Ritchhart
- [nfb-talk] [State_youth_coordinators] FW: 2010 NFB Junior Science Academy
Hartle, Mary Jo
- [nfb-talk] Accessible IPod
Wm. Ritchhart
- [nfb-talk] Accessible IPod
- [nfb-talk] Accessible IPod
- [nfb-talk] Accessible IPod
Bryan Schulz
- [nfb-talk] Accessible IPod
Wm. Ritchhart
- [nfb-talk] Accessible IPod
Brian Miller
- [nfb-talk] Accessible IPod
Bryan Schulz
- [nfb-talk] Accessible IPod
Bryan Schulz
- [nfb-talk] Accessible IPod
- [nfb-talk] Accessible IPod
Bryan Schulz
- [nfb-talk] Accessible IPod
- [nfb-talk] Accessible IPod
Buddy Brannan
- [nfb-talk] Accessible IPod
Buddy Brannan
- [nfb-talk] Accessible IPod
Tanna G. Shoyo
- [nfb-talk] Accessible IPod
Bryan Schulz
- [nfb-talk] Accessible IPod
Wm. Ritchhart
- [nfb-talk] Accessible site question
James Aldrich
- [nfb-talk] Announcing!
Carranza, Rosy
- [nfb-talk] Braille Readers Are Leaders, it's not too late
Shaheen, Natalie
- [nfb-talk] Braille Readers are Leaders with Joe Ruffalo
Quintina M. Singleton
- [nfb-talk] Come join me on iseecolor
Chikodinaka Oguledo Nickkindidm
- [nfb-talk] Disney Stuff
- [nfb-talk] Dr. Maurer on Thruoureyes
Quintina M. Singleton
- [nfb-talk] Free online courses
H. Field
- [nfb-talk] future NFB conferences
Amelia Dickerson
- [nfb-talk] future NFB conferences
Kenneth Chrane
- [nfb-talk] future NFB conferences
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
Mike Freeman
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
Kenneth Chrane
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
Bryan Schulz
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
Mike Freeman
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
d m gina
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
Peter Donahue
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
David Andrews
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
d m gina
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
d m gina
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
Cindy Handel
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
James Aldrich
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
Peter Donahue
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
d m gina
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
Peter Donahue
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
Mike Freeman
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
Mike Freeman
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
Mike Freeman
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
d m gina
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
Darian Smith
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
Gerardo Corripio
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
Mike Freeman
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
Darian Smith
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
Mike Freeman
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
Darian Smith
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
Mike Freeman
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
Peter Donahue
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
Mike Freeman
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
David Andrews
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
Darian Smith
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
Wm. Ritchhart
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
Bryan Schulz
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
Bryan Schulz
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
Mike Freeman
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
Mike Freeman
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
Mike Freeman
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
Darian Smith
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
Brice Smith
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
Michael Hingson
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
Mike Freeman
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
Mike Freeman
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
Bryan Schulz
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
Michael Hingson
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
Cindy Handel
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
Bryan Schulz
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
Peter Donahue
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
Bryan Schulz
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
Mike Freeman
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
Dan Frye
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
Michael Hingson
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
Sarah Baughn
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
Darian Smith
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
Ray Foret jr
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
David Andrews
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
David Evans
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
don nepple
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
Michael D. Barber
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
Ray Foret jr
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
Tanna G. Shoyo
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
Powers, Terry (NIH/OD/DEAS) [E]
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
Powers, Terry (NIH/OD/DEAS) [E]
- [nfb-talk] Future NFB Conventions
Bryan Schulz
- [nfb-talk] Fw: [blind-catholics] Vatican's braille stamp
Ed Meskys
- [nfb-talk] Fw: Tectile mouse for blind computer users
Ed Meskys
- [nfb-talk] FW: The Perfect Holiday Gift
Kuhnke, Kristian
- [nfb-talk] Fwd: from MD Parents of Blind Children
David Andrews
- [nfb-talk] Fwd: item for sale, Braille Display
David Andrews
- [nfb-talk] Fwd: Looking to buy MPower
David Andrews
- [nfb-talk] Fwd: NBP-Announce: General: Internet Your Way to a New Job - How to Really Find a Job Online
David Andrews
- [nfb-talk] Guide Dogs in Hospitals & Other Health Care Facilities
Marion Gwizdala
- [nfb-talk] Happy Happy Terkey Day.
Darian Smith
- [nfb-talk] Happy Thanksgiving
- [nfb-talk] HumanWare Launches the BrailleNote Apex
- [nfb-talk] Industries for the Blind
Amelia Dickerson
- [nfb-talk] ipod questions.
Mary Ellen Sanchez
- [nfb-talk] ipod questions.
Sarah Baughn
- [nfb-talk] Job posting for high-level admin position at State Services for the Blind, Minnesota
Jennifer Dunnam
- [nfb-talk] Kansas NFB Convention to be Streamed Live
David Andrews
- [nfb-talk] Keynote Speech by Louis Braille
Robert Newman
- [nfb-talk] Mac with Voice Over
Amelia Dickerson
- [nfb-talk] Mac with Voice Over
Michael D. Barber
- [nfb-talk] Mac with Voice Over
John G. Heim
- [nfb-talk] Mac with Voice Over
Chad Allen
- [nfb-talk] National Community Service List???
Darian Smith
Freeh, Jessica
- [nfb-talk] National Federation of the Blind Announces 2010 Scholarship Program
Freeh, Jessica
- [nfb-talk] National Federation of the Blind Commends Parties to Google Settlement
Freeh, Jessica
- [nfb-talk] National Federation of the Blind Commends University of Illinois for Commitment to Accessible E-book Technology
Freeh, Jessica
- [nfb-talk] National Federation of the Blind Partners with Santa to Promote Braille Literacy
Freeh, Jessica
- [nfb-talk] New Lexington Chapter List
David Andrews
- [nfb-talk] New List on Albinism
David Andrews
- [nfb-talk] New List on Albinism
- [nfb-talk] New List on Albinism
Steve Jacobson
- [nfb-talk] New List on Albinism
David Andrews
- [nfb-talk] New List on Albinism
David Andrews
- [nfb-talk] New Lists on
David Andrews
- [nfb-talk] New THOUGHT PROVOKER #151- The Braille Princess
Robert Newman
- [nfb-talk] New USA White Cane Manufacture
Robert Newman
- [nfb-talk] NFB-NEWSLINE Now Available in Arkansas
Freeh, Jessica
- [nfb-talk] NFB of Maryland Streaming Convention This Weekend
Melissa Ann Riccobono
- [nfb-talk] NFB President Marc Maurer to Receive Award from University of Notre Dame
Freeh, Jessica
- [nfb-talk] Pennies for Pages
Arielle Silverman
- [nfb-talk] petition for FS
- [nfb-talk] petition for FS
Powers, Terry (NIH/OD/DEAS) [E]
- [nfb-talk] petition for FS
Bryan Schulz
- [nfb-talk] phony fundraiser
Ed Meskys
- [nfb-talk] readers
Ed Meskys
- [nfb-talk] Recipes Needed
David Andrews
- [nfb-talk] Recipes Needed
d m gina
- [nfb-talk] Recipes Needed
David Andrews
- [nfb-talk] Research in the Rockies: Research Summit on Braille Reading and Writing
Chwalow, Judith
- [nfb-talk] Research in the Rockies: Research Summit on Braille Reading and Writing
Cordell, Becca
- [nfb-talk] Schwans again!
James Aldrich
- [nfb-talk] Screen eader for new computer
Bill Outman
- [nfb-talk] Screen reader for new computer
Bill Outman
- [nfb-talk] Screen reader for new computer
- [nfb-talk] Screen reader for new computer
Buddy Brannan
- [nfb-talk] Screen reader for new computer
Mike Freeman
- [nfb-talk] Screen reader for new computer
Michael D. Barber
- [nfb-talk] Screen reader for new computer
Bryan Schulz
- [nfb-talk] Screen reader for new computer
James Aldrich
- [nfb-talk] Screen reader for new computer
Buddy Brannan
- [nfb-talk] Screen reader for new computer
- [nfb-talk] Screen reader for new computer
- [nfb-talk] Screen reader for new computer
James Aldrich
- [nfb-talk] Screen reader for new computer
James Aldrich
- [nfb-talk] Screen reader for new computer
Bryan Schulz
- [nfb-talk] Screen reader for new computer
Buddy Brannan
- [nfb-talk] Screen reader for new computer
Buddy Brannan
- [nfb-talk] Screen reader for new computer
Bryan Schulz
- [nfb-talk] Screen reader for new computer
Buddy Brannan
- [nfb-talk] Screen reader for new computer
James Aldrich
- [nfb-talk] Screen reader for new computer
James Aldrich
- [nfb-talk] Screen reader for new computer
Powers, Terry (NIH/OD/DEAS) [E]
- [nfb-talk] Screen reader for new computer
d m gina
- [nfb-talk] Screen reader for new computer
d m gina
- [nfb-talk] Screen reader for new computer
d m gina
- [nfb-talk] Screen reader for new computer
Powers, Terry (NIH/OD/DEAS) [E]
- [nfb-talk] Special Christmas Offers from GW Micro Can Get you A Louis Braille Commemorative Coin
David Andrews
- [nfb-talk] streaming for NFB of Colorado convention
Jason Fayre
- [nfb-talk] T-Mobile Nokia Model 2720:
Kenneth Chrane
- [nfb-talk] test
Ray Foret jr
- [nfb-talk] test
- [nfb-talk] test
Mary Ellen Sanchez
- [nfb-talk] testing
Ray Foret jr
- [nfb-talk] Universities Will Not Deploy Kindle DX as Textbook Reader
Freeh, Jessica
- [nfb-talk] Walking Alone and Marching Together Now Online as MP3 Audio
Tina Hansen
- [nfb-talk] Where The Blind work Acting/Performing Arts
Chad Allen
Last message date:
Mon Nov 30 23:31:56 UTC 2009
Archived on: Mon Jun 29 15:59:09 UTC 2020
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).