[nfb-talk] Check Out This Link On Rush Limbaugh talking about blind justice

Dewey Bradley dewey.bradley at att.net
Sat Aug 14 02:53:11 UTC 2010

David, very very well said!
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Andrews" <dandrews at visi.com>
To: "NFB Talk Mailing List" <nfb-talk at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2010 7:39 PM
Subject: Re: [nfb-talk] Check Out This Link On Rush Limbaugh talking about 
blind justice

> Ryan:  I agree with you that we shouldn't "go after" Limbaugh.  He has a 
> bigger megaphone than we do and we could never win.  Plus, it would play 
> into his usual ploy of marginalizing anyone who disagrees with him, or 
> with whom he doesn't agree with.  He just brands us nuts or something 
> else.  While he may not have "attacked us" he did take a shot.
> Times are tough all around and there is not much good will in the country 
> right now.  Since we are few in numbers, and not important to most, we are 
> a luxury most people feel they can't afford right now.  Limbaugh has 
> always made fun of things we ask for and stand for because deep down he 
> doesn't believe we deserve it -- we aren't as good or as worthwhile as 
> him.
> You will disagree, which is of course your right, but remember, like me, 
> your interpretation of events is influenced by your political views.
> Dave
> At 05:10 AM 8/13/2010, you wrote:
>>Dave, neither Rush nor the Republican party would acknowledge that he is a 
>>spokesman for them. If he were, John McCain would not have been the 
>>standard barer for us in 2008. Liberals often puff up this idea in an 
>>attempt to drive a wedge between the conservative and moderate factions of 
>>the party.
>>I have to chuckle at the notion of the NFB "going after" Rush. If we did, 
>>we would only look foolish and misdirected since we would be picking a 
>>fight with a guy who didn't really attack us in the first place. Should we 
>>then stir up resolutions condemning and deploring every high-profile 
>>individual who made one comment that some might find offensive? I think we 
>>have better things to do with our time.
>                         David Andrews:  dandrews at visi.com
> Follow me on Twitter:  http://www.twitter.com/dandrews920
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