[nfb-talk] Here We Go Again

Constance Canode satin-bear at sbcglobal.net
Sat Dec 4 16:45:25 UTC 2010

I knew a guy who made furniture, the most beautiful furniture I have 
ever seen, all on his own, including the upholstery.  Some of the 
chairs he made had lightsin the arms.  I wish I could have afforded 
it at the time.

Connie Canode

PS.  As for the time factor, Brian, it takes time to do beautiful work.

At 10:42 AM 12/4/2010, you wrote:
>I have a friend who makes lots of items to sell. All done on his own.
>It is beautiful items.
>Original message:
>>Got news for you man.  At the Louisiana Center for the Blind shop, 
>>they measure down to the 32nd inch.  As for the rest, maybe I don't 
>>have personal experience in those things, but, com on now.  That 
>>doesn't mean it can't be done.  I think we have a fundamintal 
>>difference in understanding what the blind can really do here.
>>The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>>Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
>>Skype Name:
>>On Dec 4, 2010, at 1:29 AM, Bryan Schulz wrote:
>>>sometimes it depends on the task.
>>>say cutting a sheet of plywood, i believe a blind guy can operate 
>>>the saw and cut the sheet but i don't believe it could be done 
>>>without the start and end point being more than 1/16th of an inch 
>>>different and as fast as a sighted carpenter and that's the point 
>>>people refuse to accept.
>>>getting the job done is possible but the public doesn't tolerate 
>>>time lags taken by the blind cohart.
>>>now days, air compressors run nail guns and you only get one pop. 
>>>is the blind guy going to knowwhen the nail goes into the sheet 
>>>and misses the stud with all the noise?
>>>how happy is the boss going to be when you just blew 10 minutes 
>>>doing a line of nails and you were not hitting the stud?
>>>Bryan Schulz
>>>----- Original Message ----- From: "Ray Foret Jr" <rforetjr at att.net>
>>>To: "NFB Talk Mailing List" <nfb-talk at nfbnet.org>
>>>Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2010 12:12 AM
>>>Subject: Re: [nfb-talk] Here We Go Again
>>>>In an attempt to keep on topic, let me remind you that sighted 
>>>>folks don't hit the mail on the head every time.  They mash their 
>>>>fingers too.  YOu think they don't have accidents?  Well, guess 
>>>>what, they do.
>>>>I'm trying real hard not to make assumptions about you or your 
>>>>level of independance, but, I'd just like to put one question to 
>>>>you sir.  Do you not believe in your heart of hearts that the 
>>>>blind can really do these things?  Seems to me we cannot have a 
>>>>very meaningful discussion until we address that one.
>>>>The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>>>>Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
>>>>Skype Name:
>>>>On Dec 3, 2010, at 11:50 PM, Bryan Schulz wrote:
>>>>>i'm not taking it personal.
>>>>>what irks me is that blind people get pissed if they are told 
>>>>>they can't do something and take it as because you are blind and 
>>>>>don't stop to consider what is reality or what makes sense.
>>>>>of course a blind person can swing a hammer or use a power saw 
>>>>>but are they going to be able to hold a board with one handand 
>>>>>hit the nail dead center every swing or cutthe the line exactly 
>>>>>while keeping a half sheet of plywood from falling with the 
>>>>>other hand and the point that blind people fail to accept is 
>>>>>will those or other tasks even come close to the speed of a sighted carpenter?
>>>>>are people really going to demand that the entire crew should be blind?
>>>>>do you really think that a sighted crew would allow a blind guy 
>>>>>to be up on the roof slinging the plywood?
>>>>>Bryan Schulz
>>>>>----- Original Message ----- From: "Ray Foret Jr" <rforetjr at att.net>
>>>>>To: "NFB Talk Mailing List" <nfb-talk at nfbnet.org>
>>>>>Sent: Friday, December 03, 2010 11:36 PM
>>>>>Subject: Re: [nfb-talk] Here We Go Again
>>>>>>Hey, it aint personal.  How come you gotta take it 
>>>>>>personally?  What's the matter?  Can't stand truly independant 
>>>>>>blind people?  I see it all the time.  The dependant blind call 
>>>>>>the independant blind "super blinks". Why?  Well, my own idea 
>>>>>>about that is that they are jealous of what we have and are; 
>>>>>>but, instead of bettering themselves, they get mad.
>>>>>>tisk tisk tisk.
>>>>>>The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>>>>>>Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
>>>>>>Skype Name:
>>>>>>On Dec 3, 2010, at 11:13 PM, Bryan Schulz wrote:
>>>>>>>put up some $$ cuz they say bs walks!
>>>>>>>i'm tired of people talking smack and telling other people 
>>>>>>>they are full of sh$$ about various topics.
>>>>>>>i have been going to professional nhra drag races for 20 years 
>>>>>>>and the teams do rebuild an alcohol or nitro motor in about 30 
>>>>>>>minutes after each run.
>>>>>>>Jay Blake owns the follow a dream alcohol funny car and he is 
>>>>>>>completely capable of working on the motor but not at the same 
>>>>>>>pace as sighted mechanics on race day and has the sense to 
>>>>>>>accept that instead of being a weak link.
>>>>>>>Bryan Schulz
>>>>>>>----- Original Message ----- From: "Ray Foret Jr" <rforetjr at att.net>
>>>>>>>To: "NFB Talk Mailing List" <nfb-talk at nfbnet.org>
>>>>>>>Sent: Friday, December 03, 2010 10:34 PM
>>>>>>>Subject: Re: [nfb-talk] Here We Go Again
>>>>>>>>Got news for you bro.  There's no way it takes just thirty 
>>>>>>>>minutes. You've heard of editing right?
>>>>>>>>The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>>>>>>>>Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
>>>>>>>>Skype Name:
>>>>>>>>On Dec 3, 2010, at 10:29 PM, Bryan Schulz wrote:
>>>>>>>>>don't play the pity card bro!
>>>>>>>>>i'm just telling people what happens in the real world 
>>>>>>>>>outside of the nfb bubble.
>>>>>>>>>did you understand it's the pace and not the ability?
>>>>>>>>>the man's race team completely rebuilds a  motor in 30 minutes.
>>>>>>>>>i would love to see the blind man actually spinning the air 
>>>>>>>>>gun and working on the motor on race day but he has realized 
>>>>>>>>>that the team has more success when he stays out of the way 
>>>>>>>>>and let his employees perform the rebuild.
>>>>>>>>>Bryan Schulz
>>>>>>>>>----- Original Message ----- From: "Ray Foret Jr" <rforetjr at att.net>
>>>>>>>>>To: "NFB Talk Mailing List" <nfb-talk at nfbnet.org>
>>>>>>>>>Sent: Friday, December 03, 2010 10:11 PM
>>>>>>>>>Subject: Re: [nfb-talk] Here We Go Again
>>>>>>>>>>And what would you propose?  Leaving things the way they 
>>>>>>>>>>are?  Don't you think there are any blind people actually 
>>>>>>>>>>involved in the building of their own homes?  Could it be 
>>>>>>>>>>that you don't think we do much of anything? Oh, of 
>>>>>>>>>>course.  Sit in rocking chairs and listen to our state 
>>>>>>>>>>provided reading radio service.  Yeah, that's the life for sure.
>>>>>>>>>>The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>>>>>>>>>>Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
>>>>>>>>>>Skype Name:
>>>>>>>>>>On Dec 3, 2010, at 8:09 PM, Bryan Schulz wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>wishful thinking...
>>>>>>>>>>>people here have no clue what happens in the one week build.
>>>>>>>>>>>a relative worked on one and there were all kind of 
>>>>>>>>>>>worksmanship f-ups and people running everywhere.
>>>>>>>>>>>you really think a blind guy is going to carry sheets of 
>>>>>>>>>>>drywall with material and tools all over the site without falling?
>>>>>>>>>>>you don't get the pace.  just like there is a blind guy 
>>>>>>>>>>>who owns a racing team but doesn't do the actual repair 
>>>>>>>>>>>during race day due to the time limits.
>>>>>>>>>>>Bryan Schulz
>>>>>>>>>>>----- Original Message ----- From: "Constance Canode" 
>>>>>>>>>>><satin-bear at sbcglobal.net>
>>>>>>>>>>>To: "NFB Talk Mailing List" <nfb-talk at nfbnet.org>
>>>>>>>>>>>Sent: Friday, December 03, 2010 7:43 PM
>>>>>>>>>>>Subject: Re: [nfb-talk] Here We Go Again
>>>>>>>>>>>>Ray, that is an absolutely awesome idea.  Now if we can 
>>>>>>>>>>>>implement it, people would certainly get a different 
>>>>>>>>>>>>perspective on what blind people are really like.
>>>>>>>>>>>>Connie Canode
>>>>>>>>>>>>At 11:43 AM 12/3/2010, you wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>YOu know Peter, I was just kind of thinking.  I know of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>only one way to stop this.  What we need to do is get 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>some independent and competent blind people on the make 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>over crew.  Once we do that, maybe they'll get the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>idea.  Barring that, maybe we ought to have some 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>competent blind people at least helping out on a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>make-over project; since I'm sure they wouldn't let us 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>officially be part of what I presume bills itself as a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>professional make-over crew.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>Skype Name:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>On Dec 3, 2010, at 11:27 AM, Peter Donahue wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Hello John and everyone,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    If you take the time to read the message I sent 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> concerning > an
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>we had when looking for an apartment last spring 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>you'd > understand >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > why >  > the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>red flags are flying. If Extreme Make-Over Home 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Edition > continues
>>>>>>>>>>>>>to portray
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>us as helpless unable to live on our own without major
>>>>>>>>>>>>>modifications to the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>home environment or a presumed dependency on a million 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>gadgets >  > >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > > incidents
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>like the one I described in my message earlier this 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>morning > will
>>>>>>>>>>>>>continue to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>happen to blind people seeking housing. While we can't 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>prove > that >  > the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>manager at that apartment complex was influenced by an 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>episode > of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>this show
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>where a blind person or a couple were featured if this 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>TV > network
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>to cast us as unable to manage our own home they'll 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>certainly > be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>suspect in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>my book.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Peter Donahue
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>From: "John Heim" <john at johnheim.net>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>To: "NFB Talk Mailing List" <nfb-talk at nfbnet.org>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Sent: Friday, December 03, 2010 9:40 AM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Subject: Re: [nfb-talk] Here We Go Again
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Well, I'd presume because you don't make a lot of money 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>as a > >  > > disability
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>From: "Cindy Handel" <cindy425 at verizon.net>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>To: "NFB Talk Mailing List" <nfb-talk at nfbnet.org>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2010 8:40 PM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Subject: Re: [nfb-talk] Here We Go Again
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I feel the same way.  First question that came to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>find...If >> >> these >>  >> >> people
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>so fantastic and can motivate everyone to get past 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>their >> >> >>  >> disabilities, >> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>they have learned so much in the four years they've 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>been >> blind, >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> why >>  >> can't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>they maintain their house so it isn't falling down 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>around >> them?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>From: "Ray Foret Jr" <rforetjr at att.net>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>To: "NFB Talk Mailing List" <nfb-talk at nfbnet.org>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2010 9:16 PM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Subject: Re: [nfb-talk] Here We Go Again
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I hate to be this way, but, how come I'm already 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>skepticle? >> >>  >> Anyone >>  >> care
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>guess why?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Skype Name:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>On Dec 2, 2010, at 7:49 PM, Ryan O wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Q From: Mary Watkins
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>To: MAG_News at mail4.wgbh.org
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2010 1:06 PM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Subject: WGBH's Media Access Group Encourages Tuning 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>into >>> ABC'S >>> >>>  >>> >>> "Extreme
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Makeover: Home Edition" on Sunday, December 5
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>WGBH's Media Access Group Encourages Tuning into 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ABC'S >>> "Extreme >>> >>>  >>> >>> Makeover:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Home Edition"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>on Sunday, December 5 (8-9pm, EST)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Media Access Group at WGBH encourages all 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>those >>> interested >>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>technology for people who are blind or have low 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>vision to >>> tune >>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>> into
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Makeover: Home Edition" this Sunday evening, December 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>5. >>> While >>> we >>>  >>>  >>> can't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>provide any specific information on what will be seen 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>and >>> heard >>> >>> (it >>>  >>> would
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>spoil the surprise!), the episode promises to create 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>much >>> >>> greater
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>of the services and products now available for people 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>who >>> have >>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>  >>> >>> limited or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Here is the information the production company has 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>released >>> in >>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>  >>> >>> advance
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>this episode:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" team has 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>selected the >>>  >>> >>> Anderson
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>in Cleveland, Ohio. The family of four answered the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>call to >>>  >>> >>> action >>>  >>> when
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>inspired the community to heighten their awareness of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>the >>> >>>  >>> obstacles
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>the disabled in their community. Diving headlong into 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>their >>>  >>> work, >>>  >>>  >>> Andre
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Jasmine have dedicated their time to supporting 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>and >>> counseling >>>  >>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>by connecting them with resources to help them live 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>and lead >>>  >>> more
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>independent lives. The Andersons have proven to be 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>the >>> >>> definitive >>>  >>>  >>> role
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>models as they themselves lost their sight 4 years ago.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Empowered by their own obstacles, Andre and Jasmine 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>have >>> never >>>  >>> let
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>slow them down. Together they have teamed to complete 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>grad >>>  >>> >>> school, >>>  >>> run a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>center for people with disabilities, created a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>support group, >>>  >>> and >>>  >>> all
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>balancing life at home with their 2 boys (one of whom 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>is >>> >>> hearing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Despite having lost their sight after their sons, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Jasison and >>>  >>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>> >>> Jahzion
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>born, Andre and Jasmine have rallied back and have 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>embraced >>>  >>> their
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>While they continue to empower their community, the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>family >>> has >>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>> hit >>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>patch. Their home is falling apart around them and it 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>has >>> >>> become
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>and hazardous for them to live in especially in the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>face of >>> how >>> >>>  >>> their
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>continue to grow.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>On September 29th the Andersons will have some 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>changes in >>> sight >>> >>>  >>> when >>> Ty
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Pennington, designers Michael Maloney, Tracy Huston, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>and >>> Xzibit >>> >>>  >>> >>> deliver a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"Smart House" in just 7 days. Local builders Marous 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Brothers >>>  >>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>> >>>  >>> Construction
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>and community volunteers will rebuild the structure 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>and give >>>  >>> them >>>  >>> the >>> key
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>live above and beyond their wildest dreams. The 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Andersons >>> will >>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>  >>> >>> vacation
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Crested Butte, Colorado.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>About "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Emmy-award winning reality program "Extreme 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Makeover: >>> Home >>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>  >>> >>> Edition,"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>in its 8th season, is produced by Endemol USA, a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>division of >>>  >>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>> >>> Endemol
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Holding. It's executive-produced Brady Connell and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>George >>> >>>  >>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>> Verschoor.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Goldberg is Chairman, Endemol North America. The show 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>airs >>>  >>> >>> Sundays >>>  >>> from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>8:00-9:00 p.m., ET on ABC.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>About the Media Access Group at WGBH
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Media Access Group at WGBH, which includes a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Services >>> >>>  >>> division >>>  >>> and a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>research and development division--the Carl and Ruth 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Shapiro >>>  >>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>> Family
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Center for Accessible Media--has pioneered and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>delivered >>> >>>  >>> captioned >>>  >>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>described media for nearly four decades to people in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>their >>>  >>> homes,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>classrooms, at work and in the community. And the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Media >>> Access >>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>  >>> Group
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>continues to develop new solutions to access 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>challenges as >>>  >>> >>> >>>  >>> technology,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>the way we all consume media, evolve. Members of the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>group's >>>  >>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>> >>>  >>> collective
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>staff represent the leading experts in their fields 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>and their >>>  >>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>> >>> success >>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>exemplified by a history of accomplishments and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>continuous >>>  >>> >>> growth, >>>  >>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>integration of innovative products and services into 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>society >>> at >>> >>>  >>> >>> large,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>the enthusiastic support of the audiences served, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>including >>> 36 >>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>  >>> >>> million
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>people who are deaf, hard of hearing, blind or have 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>low >>> vision. >>> >>>  >>> More
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>information about the Media Access Group at WGBH can 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>be found >>>  >>> at:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Mary Watkins
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>mary_watkins at wgbh.org
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>617 300-3700
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