[nfb-talk] Legislative Alert-House Passes the Pedestrian Safety Enhancement Act
Rovig, Lorraine
LRovig at nfb.org
Fri Dec 17 15:37:20 UTC 2010
Dear Friends,
Jesse Hartle of the NFB staff wrote yesterday:
"Fellow Federationists:
"S. 841, the Pedestrian Safety Enhancement Act,
was just passed by the House of Representatives,
and will now go to the president to be signed into law.
"I want to thank you all for your hard work over
the past three years to protect the right to
independent and safe travel for the blind of our
country. My final ask on this legislation is
that we take a moment to contact the offices of
our sponsors..."
Why the NFB? Here is a truly wonderful life-saving gift the NFB has
worked on for three years and now has given to every pedestrian in
America--yes, not only those who are blind or visually impaired, every
pedestrian. From the time one Federationist in Chicago, Deborah Kent
Stein, alerted NFB President Marc Maurer to the problem--the unintended
consequence of producing cars without sound--we have been working on a
Deborah was immediately appointed the chairman of our Committee on
Automobile and Pedestrian Safety (CAPS). Our lobbyists on staff were
here early and late with the phone glued to their ears or off walking
the marble halls of Congress as they talked and talked with the folks in
Congress who make things happen. They and many other of our leaders and
members wrote and spoke convincingly of the issue. My boss, John Pare,
was off to Geneva, Switzerland, several times to talk with the annual
convened group of top auto-makers for the whole world and we convinced
them of the need for change. Much more went on in our steady campaign.
Without our bringing up the problem and working on it steadily for all
this time, there would not be a new law now. Actually, as American cars
go, so goes the world, so we have gifted every pedestrian in the entire
world with this law's passage. NFB rocks!
On the negative side is one item, I am only sorry there will be so many
electric-motor cars sold before the law takes effect. I hope I am not
the (dead or mangled body) court case that will convince all car
manufacturers to a recall to add on whatever noisemaker becomes standard
issue for the deadly silent cars.
Lorraine Rovig
Baltimore, Maryland
P.S. You can text the word BLIND to 85944 to donate $10 to the NFB
Imagination Fund via your phone bill.
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