[nfb-talk] Need Advice: Demonstrating Book Players to Youth

ckrugman at sbcglobal.net ckrugman at sbcglobal.net
Sun Jun 13 19:03:07 UTC 2010

The important thing is to allow the students to check out the different 
players with an opportunity for hands on experience. As this is probably new 
for them the actual hands on experience will do more than worrying about the 
actual types of materials. This allows you to get around the boring lecture 
by giving them the opportunity to check out different players and ask 
questions as a result.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tina Hansen" <th404 at comcast.net>
To: "NFB Talk Mailing List" <nfb-talk at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2010 1:07 PM
Subject: [nfb-talk] Need Advice: Demonstrating Book Players to Youth

> This July, I am planning, in coordination with my state's blindness 
> agency, to give a workshop to students in their summer work experience 
> program, to demonstrate the various book players. I'm not sure how many 
> students they'll have in my area, but I know that because there is no 
> longer a State School for the Blind in Oregon, these young people need to 
> know that these tools are out there.
> I'm interested in any advice anyone can give me on this topic. I'm 
> especially interested in advice on these issues:
> 1. What book or books are big with young people? I know that Harry Potter 
> is a real favorite, so I'm not ruling that one out. I also know that they 
> might be inspired by sports legends.
> 2. Should I demonstrate everything these players can do? I'm thinking not, 
> since I only have a half day workshop.
> 3. Since these players can do Audible, I want to use something from that 
> service, but am not sure what to use, given Audible's inconsistent markup.
> 4. What overall format would seem good to young people. I know that they 
> are always getting lectures, yet I also know that a lecture can convey a 
> lot of information. Yet, I don't want to put them to sleep; I want them to 
> be interested in what I have to say, but I don't want to resort to cheap 
> or flashy gimmics as the only means to hold their interest.
> I have thought of several format ideas, namely, sports, late night talk 
> show, and others, but I'm not sure how I can do that with limited funds. I 
> also know that I want this to be made real to this crowd.
> Bottom line: If anyone out there has any ideas, or if you've given demos 
> to students in high school or college, please e-mail me off list. Thanks.
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