[nfb-talk] Fw: Implanted chip 'allows blind people to detect objects'

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Sat Nov 6 23:42:30 UTC 2010

This discussion is off topic!

David Andrews, Moderator

At 03:21 AM 11/5/2010, you wrote:
>This idea of chipping people for information tracing(oh, I meant tracking)
>purposes sounds like something out of right wing conspiracy land.  That's
>not what implementation of electronic medical records means.
>I haven't heard this about the Obama plan from the most vehement opponents
>of the recently passed law who bloviate in the conservative echo chamber.
>There seems to be a parallel universe going on over there sometimes.  This
>is right up there with the non-existent death panels.

                         David Andrews:  dandrews at visi.com
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