[nfb-talk] Fwd: New Hadley modules

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Sat Jun 9 19:06:20 UTC 2012

>New Hadley Entrepreneurship Modules Emphasize Networking and Technology
>In September 2011, The Hadley School for the 
>Blind announced the launch of  The Forsythe 
>Center for Entrepreneurship (FCE). The goal of 
>this new business, entrepreneurship and 
>technology program is to provide individuals who 
>are visually impaired with the knowledge, 
>resources and networking opportunities enabling 
>them to advance in their careers or to 
>successfully launch and grow their own businesses.
>The program is designed to be practical, 
>relevant and interactive. Courses are open to 
>anyone who is blind or visually impaired, over 
>age 14 and is serious about starting or growing 
>a business. Coursework is offered free of charge 
>and is mostly online. Since the FCE opened in 
>September, more than 400 students have enrolled.
>As of June 4, 2012, Hadley has introduced five 
>new “modules” as part of the Center:
>·        FCE 290-Using PowerPoint 2010
>·        FCE 280-Networking with LinkedIn
>·        FCE 220-Networking Skills
>·        FCE 210-Obtaining Financing
>·        FCE 180-Federal Government Benefits
>“Using PowerPoint 2010” introduces the steps in 
>creating a presentation in PowerPoint and 
>discusses what is involved with making a formal 
>presentation to an audience. The module includes 
>an exercise in preparing a slide show presentation.
>“Networking with LinkedIn” describes the social 
>networking site and its importance as a 
>networking tool. It presents the basics of 
>getting started with LinkedIn, such as opening 
>an account, creating a profile, and adding 
>connections. It also explores some of LinkedIn’s 
>more popular features. The module includes an 
>exercise in preparing your personal profile.
>“Networking Skills” presents three common 
>networking techniques: establishing or 
>identifying new relationships, expanding on 
>these relationships, and then maintaining these 
>established relationships. The module includes 
>links to a number of social networking sites, as 
>well as an exercise in outlining your personal networking strategy.
>“Obtaining Financing” presents the two basic 
>types of financing: debt financing and equity 
>financing, and their advantages and 
>disadvantages. It also discusses primary funding 
>sources such as family and friends, traditional 
>banks, and business angels, along with secondary 
>funding sources such as crowd financing, 
>microlenders, and federal government loans.
>“Federal Government Benefits” explores the 
>federal government benefits programs available 
>to those who are visually impaired. Monetary 
>programs such as Social Security Disability 
>Insurance (SSDI), Supplemental Security Income 
>(SSI), and Social Security retirement are 
>discussed, along with insurance programs such as 
>Medicare, Medicaid, Pre-Existing Condition 
>Insurance Plan, and Medigap. Work incentive 
>programs such as the Ticket to Work program and 
>state vocational rehabilitation, as well as how 
>to retain government benefits while working, are also presented.
>In addition to the new modules, the FCE has 
>introduced three new tools­the FCE Discussion 
>Group, Minding Your Own Business (MYOB) and the 
>Business Directory. The Discussion Group is a 
>conventional mailing list, where members can 
>discuss any aspects of starting and running a 
>business by posting questions or responses. In 
>addition, list members are encouraged to use 
>these contacts for networking among each other. 
>FCE-related announcements will also be posted on the list.
>Minding Your Own Business (MYOB) is a series of 
>business-related online discussions around 
>specific pre-determined topics, based on 
>students’ needs. The format of MYOB is 
>relatively flexible; usually it will start with 
>a short presentation followed by open 
>discussion. The next MYOB is “Social Networking 
>for Your Business” and is scheduled for June 4 at 2:00 p.m. Central Time.
>The Business Directory includes contact 
>information for businesses owned or operated by 
>blind and visually impaired individuals. This 
>directory is designed to provide current and 
>future business owners with inspiration and 
>access to the listed businesses, with the goal 
>of initiating networking opportunities among 
>blind and visually impaired business owners.
>“I’m very excited about the launch of these new 
>modules and resources. They cover several 
>different areas of expertise needed to launch or 
>grow a business­from practical issues such as 
>financing, to essential ‘soft skills’ such as 
>networking to utilizing technology such as 
>LinkedIn and PowerPoint. I’m confident our 
>students will find them interesting and 
>valuable,” says Program Director Tom Babinszki.
>For more information on the FCE and to enroll, 
>please visit <http://www.hadley.edu/fce>www.hadley.edu/fce.
>About Hadley:  Founded in 1920, The Hadley 
>School for the Blind’s mission is to promote 
>independent living through lifelong, distance 
>education programs for people who are blind or 
>visually impaired, their families and blindness 
>service providers. The world’s largest educator 
>of braille, Hadley enrolls 10,000 students in 
>all 50 states and 100 countries each year. For 
>more information, visit www.hadley.edu or call 800-323-4238.
>Tom Babinszki
>Director, Forsythe Center for Entrepreneurship
>The Hadley School for the Blind
>700 Elm Street
>Winnetka, IL 60093-2554
>Phone: 847-784-2804
>Fax: 847-446-0855
>E-mail: babinszki at hadley.edu
>Check us out online:

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