[NFB-Talk] Partial Vision Interest Groups?

Raul Gallegos - NAGDU rgallegos at nagdu.org
Thu Jun 20 03:21:31 UTC 2024

Hello Rajiv. I will not chastise you for your comments. However, I would like to comment on something specific you said below.

You said, “Finally, the perfunctory rubber-stamp votes at conventions where everyone simply says "yay," to approve resolutions without any accurate count.”


I respectfully disagree with this statement. While it is true that when resolutions are voted on, if there is an overwhelming majority based on yay vs nay, the resolution passes. However, when it is not clear, it ends up going to a delegate vote. In fact, this tends to happen every year for at least one resolution. One of my more memorable ones took place in 2022, in New Orleans. The title and link of the resolution is: 2022-06 - Regarding Audio Description and Text-To-Speech https://nfb.org/resources/speeches-and-reports/resolutions/2022-resolutions#06

This resolution was not decided by an uncounted voice vote. Because it wasn’t clear if it passed or not, brief discussions for and against were allowed, followed by a delegate vote. Ultimately, the resolution passed.


Thanks for reading.



Raul Gallegos, President

National Association of Guide Dog Users

(346) 439-7444 •  <mailto:rgallegos at nagdu.org> rgallegos at nagdu.org

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“You can live the life you want. Blindness is not what holds you back.”


From: Rajiv Shah <rmshah at starpower.net> 
Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2024 8:28 PM
To: NFB Talk Mailing List <nfb-talk at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Raul Gallegos - NAGDU <rgallegos at nagdu.org>; donbarrett1234 <donbarrett1234 at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [NFB-Talk] Partial Vision Interest Groups?




I will probably be chastised by this forum for speaking my mind, but, after seeing some of these viewpoints, I am afraid I cannot stay silent.


When I first joined the NFB in the mid 90s, I did feel the sense of this condescending attitude that others have hinted. Frankly, it started with the cane I was carrying vs. the standard one carried by NFB party members. People said that I was behind compared to others. Behind in what? Behind in my lack of arrogance? Then the notion that blindness is a mere physical inconvenience. While this sort of philosophy does, indeed,  instill confidence, it hardly leans on practicality. Finally, the perfunctory rubber-stamp votes at conventions where everyone simply says "yay," to approve resolutions without any accurate count. What that smacks of is the memable NFB adage that "We walk alone but march together." I would add that we simply march together, and have forgotten anything about being able to walk alone, with any modicum of independent thinking.


Thank you.



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