[NFB-Utah] Salt Lake Chapter gift basket

NFB Utah Salt Lake Chapter nfbuslchapter at gmail.com
Sat Mar 11 00:33:27 UTC 2017

Hello Chapter,
Please find attached a flyer that explains what we are doing for our Salt
Lake Chapter auctions basket(s). Stephanie Cordova has once again
volunteered to spearhead our effort to put together auction baskets that
will help us bring lots of money into the State Affiliate.

In brief, we need you to help provide items for the basket! It is not as
hard as you might think! You can provide one item yourself, or you can ask
your family and friends to provide an item, or you can go to a local
business and ask for a donation. We can also use homemade items. It is not
as scary or difficult as you think to ask a business. Believe me, I was shy
about doing it in the beginning. But once I did it, I found there was never
a single business manager that made me feel bad for asking, not one. Even
if they could not contribute, they expressed regret and wished me luck.
Most will find something to donate.

Attached is a flyer explaining what we are looking for, and also attached
is a letter you can give the business so they can write off any
contribution on their tax return.

Please support Stephanie and the NFB by helping her put together a
tremendous basket. I hear Weber/Davis is already putting together a great
basket, and Salt Lake doesn’t want to see them upstage us right in our
own backyard this year!

Also, rooms at the state convention are nearly all taken. If you want to
stay at the City Creek Marriott for just $69 per night, I would call
IMMEDIATELY  1-800-228-9290 or reserve online at:

Do you still need to register for the 2017 NFBU state convention? Visit:

Stephanie’s contact information is on the flyer, but here is her number.
Please let her know ASAP if you have something to donate.
Stephanie Cordova 801-718-8403

Best Regards,
Mark Turley
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