[NFB-Utah] Wells Fargo and The Utah BELL Academy

Nfb of Utah nfbutah at gmail.com
Thu Aug 2 01:11:27 UTC 2018

Fellow Federationists and Friends of the NFB of Utah!

It is my sincere hope that all of you are having a wonderful Summer! About
40 of our members attended the 2018 NFB Convention in Orlando and had a time
of growth, excitement, and fellowship. Many of you have learned that the
2019 convention will be held in Las Vegas! I have made a promise to
President Riccobono that Utah will have over 100 people in attendance so
stay tuned for more details and please begin making your plans to attend.

This past June, we held another very successful BELL Academy. 15 children
from across the Wassatch Valley attended our 2 week program. Wendy Bybee,
Janice Spencer, Deja Powell, and Katie Chevalier were able to provide the
instruction, while our outstanding Project STRIVE Team were also heavily
involved. Wells Fargo decided to put together a feature story and video for
our BELL Academy.

Here is the link!


Please enjoy the video and article!

I look forward to an exciting rest of Summer and look forward to the plans
the NFB of Utah has for the rest of the year!

Yours in the Movement!

Everette Bacon, President

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