[NFB-Utah] BANA Announces Fall Meeting in Salt Lake City

Nfb of Utah nfbutah at gmail.com
Sat Oct 27 21:54:29 UTC 2018

Hello Utah Federationists 

it would be wonderful to have the federation presence at this event. 

President Everette Bacon 


the Braille Authority of North America will be meeting in Salt Lake City
this week. Individuals interested in attending should contact me to ensure
that adequate space is available. 

Contact: Jennifer Dunnam, Chair

Braille Authority of North America


chair at brailleauthority.org



The Braille Authority of North America (BANA), which meets face-to-face
semiannually, will hold its fall 2018 meeting November 1-3 at the Utah
Schools for the Deaf and the Blind, 1655 East 3300 South, Salt Lake City,
Utah 84109. This meeting will be hosted by the American Council of the Blind
(ACB), a BANA member organization. 

Items on the Board's agenda will include a review of formal reports from
BANA's technical committees such as music, Nemeth, and tactile graphics, as
well as its general committees and task forces, such as the BANA General
Committee on UEB and the Publications Committee. BANA will take action on
recommendations when appropriate.

As always, interested parties are invited to observe the BANA Board
meetings. If you are interested in observing the BANA meeting, please
contact BANA Chair Jennifer Dunnam at 612-767-5658 or by email at
chair at brailleauthority.org.


The mission of the Braille Authority of North America is to assure literacy
for tactile readers through the standardization of braille and/or tactile

You can follow the work of BANA by signing up for BANA-Announce, a one-way
email list that disseminates news and information. To join this list, send a
blank email message to bana-announce-subscribe at brailleauthority.org and
follow the directions in the confirmation email that will be sent in
response. You can also follow BANA on Facebook and Twitter! 


Let's take an active role in building the Federation in Utah and We will
live the lives we want!






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