[NFB-Utah] February 2020 NFBU board meeting reminder

nfbutah at gmail.com nfbutah at gmail.com
Tue Feb 2 15:10:17 UTC 2021

Hi Federationists and friends,
It’s February, and love is in the air! 💕  it’s also time to start  planning to participate in Washington seminar! Yay! We can all attend this year!  There are some good things about  the pandemic, and One of them is that we are all invited to participate with the NFB of Utah  in the 2021 virtual Washington seminar on zoom. There  is also news about upcoming events in Utah, so please come and join us to learn more at our monthly board meeting. As always, all are welcome, there will be time for public comment at the end of the meeting. The NFB of Utah board meeting will be this Wed. Feb. 3 at 8:30 on Zoom.


Join our board meeting.



https://zoom.us/j/8061136194# <https://zoom.us/j/8061136194> 

One tap mobile: +17207072699,,,8061136194#

Phone: +1(720) 707-2699

Meeting ID: 806 113 6194

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