[NFB-Utah] presidential release and board meeting invitation
nfbutah at gmail.com
nfbutah at gmail.com
Wed Dec 28 04:38:15 UTC 2022
Hello Federationists and friends,
Please come join us for a fun gathering to hear the presidential release and
hold the NFB of Utah board meeting.
Where? At the division of Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired
(DSBVI) 250 N. 1950 W. Salt Lake City, UT 84116.
When? 5:45 PM. MST.
What? Come get a slice of pizza, a slice of information from the national
office, and a slice of goings on from our affiliate all in one place.
*At 5:45 PM. MST. We will begin serving pizza in the multipurpose room.
*At 6:00 PM. MST. we will enjoy watching the hour long live broadcast of the
presidential release together.
*At 7:00 PM. MST. we will take a brief 15 minute break.
*At 7:15 PM. MST. our in-person National Federation of the Blind of Utah
January board meeting will begin.
For anyone who is unable to join us, all meetings will be available to enjoy
Presidential Release #523 - Live - English (CC Available) The January 2023
Presidential Release (#523) will be delivered live by President Mark Ricco
Bono on Wednesday, January 4, 2023, at 8:00 p.m. eastern.
The monthly message provides important updates and perspectives of the
organized blind movement from the President. Members of the Federation are
encouraged to attend and non-members are warmly welcomed.
Topics include:
* News about recent developments
* Critical actions and legislative alerts
* Important dates and upcoming events
* News from the Federation family
* Question and Answer session
Submit questions in advance to cdanielsen at nfb.org and put PR*** in the
subject line, or call 410-659-9314, extension 2473.
Ways to Participate
* Join the Zoom meeting: https://zoom.us/j/99278902407
* One-touch mobile: US: +13017158592,,99278902407#
* Phone Number: US: +1 301 715 8592
* Meeting ID: 992 7890 2407
More Ways to Access
* YouTube Live: https://www.youtube.com/user/NationsBlind
* 1CapApp Closed Captioning:
* Access our live stream by asking your Amazon device to play "Nation's
Informe Presidencial - En Español (Presidential Release #523 Spanish)
Miércoles, 1 de Enero de 2023 a las 8:00 p.m. ET a través de Zoom.
Únase al presidente Mark Riccobono mientras presenta el comunicado
presidencial de la National Federation of the Blind. El comunicado
presidencial es un mensaje mensual de los aspectos más destacados de los
eventos actuales y más. Se anima a los miembros de la Federación a asistir y
los no miembros son bienvenidos.
La interpretación en español se utilizará en la misma plataforma Zoom que se
menciona anteriormente. La función está disponible en la aplicación móvil o
en el escritorio web. Para acceder, únase al seminario web de Zoom,
seleccione el botón etiquetado como interpretación y luego seleccione
Español. También tendrá la opción de silenciar el audio original en lugar de
escucharlo a un volumen más bajo. Si tiene alguna pregunta, envíe un correo
electrónico dmartinez at nfbtx.org<mailto:dmartinez at nfbtx.org>.
Formas de participar
Unirse a la reunión de Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/99278902407
Join the NFB of Utah board Meeting:
One tap mobile: +17207072699,,,8061136194#
Phone: 720-707-2699
meeting ID: 806-113-6194.
We look forward to enjoying your company The NFB of Utah Board
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