[NFB-Utah] Salt Lake chapter NFB Holiday Winter Party
nfbutah at gmail.com
nfbutah at gmail.com
Mon Dec 4 05:42:10 UTC 2023
To Chapter members and friends!
You and your family and friends are cordially welcome to Join us for a festive Christmas party on December 16th from 12 p.m. to 2pm! Celebrate the season with good company, good food, delicious treats, and holiday cheer, and a guest appearance from everyone’s favorite Papa Elf! Don't miss out on the merriment! This time of year is filled with good food, friends, traditions, and more, and the Salt Lake Chapter would like to celebrate with you! Some of the highlights of our party include:
* Potluck sides and desserts provided by you, our chapter members
* Smoked turkey and ham provided by board members for all
* White Elephant gift exchange and Christmas poem reading by Tara Briggs
* Guest appearance from Santa with goodies for the children
* Live holiday music performed by our fellow chapter member Michael Harris
* Family Feud trivia game
* Door prizes that include gift cards, treats etc.
There is no cost for the meal but we are asking all members to pay 2 dollars for their annual NFB dues. We sincerely hope you and your family and friends will join us for this annual party! Please RSVP by kindly filling out this Google form!
<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1b-T8VYfN9HaDy9r4CVj6aOzpCksgrtyZDkw7EyuicSI/edit> https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1b-T8VYfN9HaDy9r4CVj6aOzpCksgrtyZDkw7EyuicSI/edit
Warmest regards,
The Salt Lake Chapter
My Best,
Follow us for events, announcements, and fun at:
Facebook: <https://www.facebook.com/saltlakechapter/> Salt Lake Chapter of the National Federation of the Blind of Utah
<https://www.facebook.com/saltlakechapter/> @saltlakechapte <https://www.facebook.com/saltlakechapter/> Twitter handle: @nfbutah_slc <https://www.facebook.com/saltlakechapter/> Instagram: nfbuslchapter
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