[NFB-Utah] September meeting notes

nfbutah at gmail.com nfbutah at gmail.com
Wed Sep 18 04:14:14 UTC 2024

National Federation of the Blind of Utah September 2024 Board Meeting

National Federation of the blind of Utah www.nfbutah.org<http://www.nfbutah.org>

“You can live the life you want; blindness does not hold you back!”

September 11, 2024
7:30 – 8:55 PM. MST.
2 motions were made and passed unanimously regarding convention 1. Hotel room rates will be $119 per night with $20 supplemented by the affiliate.
2. Registration will be $10 per person and $20 per family. Meals will be charged at $15 for lunches and $25 for the banquet, this will also be supplemented by the affiliate.

  1.  Roll Call:
NFB of Utah Board            of Directors:
president –                                         Everette Bacon: Present
1st Vice President –          Cheralyn Johnson:           Present
2nd Vice President –         Karl Smith:                          Present
Treasurer –                                         Mark Turley:      Present
Secretary –                                         Barbie Elliott:     Present
Board Members:
Willie Black:        Present
Laura Vincent:   Present
Ken Duke:           Present
Ned Lindholm:   Present
Jesse Kramer:    Present
Bridgit Burke      (from National office)    Present

The general public was not invited because the tax forms were read for clarity and accuracy before being submitted.

  1.  The federal tax forms were read by Bridgitt. Any discrepencies, or concerns were  discussed, resolved,  and clarified. The final forms will be available per request once the edits are made. As always, they are available upon request.

  1.  Updates:

     *   The presidential release will now have a shortened 15 minutes or less version available to share at chapter meetings YAY!!!
     *   The Provo Marriot rate is in place for the convention. $139 per room same as last year. $119 per night with $20 supplemented. Willie made a motion to charge attendees $119 per night. It passed unanimously.
     *   Motion was made for $10 per person and $20 per family registration. Also $25 for banquet and $15 per each lunch.
     *   Washington Seminar participant selection. Discussion was made about the process of determining who to take. We decided to create an application and have a meeting of the board to determine who is going to represent us in Washington DC each year. Everette asked Cheralyn to create an application.
     *   Bring back the NFB of Utah Newsletter. We are looking for an editor, no decision on a newsletter editor was expected to be made at this time.
     *   At large group, we need a chair person for this position. No decision on who will be the chair of this group was expected to be made at this time.

  1.  Other business:

     *   We need to update some of our web content, BELL still has 2022 information and our bios are out of date and some are non-existent.
     *   DSBVI grant will now be a receipt-by-receipt application basis. Barbie tested the new form for accessibility.
     *   The next meeting will be held on Wednesday October 9th.

  1.  Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 P.M.

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