[NFB_of_Georgia] You are invited to the Georgia Affiliate Board Meeting - Thursday, May 12, 2022 at 7:00PM

plewis at nfbga.org plewis at nfbga.org
Tue May 10 16:35:55 UTC 2022


We would like to invite all to attend the Georgia Affiliate Board meeting
scheduled for Thursday, May 12, 2022, at 7:00PM.


We will be hosting this meeting on the Affiliate Zoom platform. To attend,
please use the information provided below. 


Join Zoom Meeting 


Meeting ID: 955 3961 7118 


One tap mobile 



Dial by your location 
+1 646 876 9923 
Meeting ID: 955 3961 7118


*Important Information:

We would like all who plan to attend to know that even though the meeting is
open, no one other than the board members will be allowed to speak. All
others in attendants will be muted during the entirety of the meeting.


We ask that you pass this email on to all that may need it. We also would
like to asked that all sign up for the Georgia Listserv so that you will be
sure to receive all future announcements.


To sign up for the Listserv Link

Georgia mailing list link



We look forward to having you all attend



Patrice Lewis

NFBGA Administrator

PH: 678-756-3757

Email: plewis at nfbga.org <mailto:plewis at nfbga.org> 

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