[NFBA-Phoenix] Important transit news from Mary Hartle

Mark Feliz mafeliz0641 at gmail.com
Thu May 4 20:04:42 UTC 2023

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: maryhartle17 at gmail.com
Date: Thu, 4 May 2023 12:40:04 -0700
Subject: FW: Empower Advocacy! Update on Transit Bills
To: Mark Feliz <mafeliz0641 at gmail.com>
Cc: Mark Feliz <mafeliz0641 at gmail.com>, maryhartle17 at gamil.com

Hello Marcus and Mark:
	Here is an update on the transit bills please send out broadly!

Feel free to call me with any questions!


Mary A. Hartle
maryhartle17 at gmail.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Ability360 <advocacy at ability360.org>
Sent: Thursday, May 4, 2023 10:30 AM
To: maryhartle17 at gmail.com
Subject: Empower Advocacy! Update on Transit Bills

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** EMPOWER! Advocacy

What’s the Latest Transit Bills Update?
Representatives Cook and Livingston are working on two separate
transit bills.  Meetings are continuing with stakeholders and transit
advocates on both bills.  Right now as we watch these negotiations,
it’s unclear what the next legislative steps will be.

The SB1102 striker is largely based on the legislation supported last
year by transit advocates, however, Rep. Livingston’s striker has the
transit allocation at 39% instead of 40.4%. At the stakeholder
meeting, Rep. Livingston shared a draft amendment that removed the
non-transportation provisions as he promised to do. Rep. Livingston
committed to holding additional stakeholder meetings, including
bipartisan meetings with Democrats and the Governor’s office.

Representative Cook, the House Transportation Chair, also held a
stakeholder meeting to further discuss the potential language of his
striker to SB1246. Rep. Cook and Senator Farnsworth participated.
Rep. Cook indicated being open to increasing the transit allocation
from 26% to 38%, however, Sen. Farnsworth and Senate staff were
noncommittal to an increase to the transit allocation beyond the 20%
proposed in his committee.

While these negotiations continue, tell your story!
Tell Legislators how you use public transportation and what it means to you.
Urge them to increase the transit allocation to 40.4 percent.

Steps you can take today:
1. Email or call your state legislators. You can find out who your
state legislators are by clicking here
and entering your home address.
Click here (https://ability360.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a4948502c281e8e085ce7520c&id=caebf36f60&e=394764eb33)
for a full list of legislators and their contact information.
Regardless of whether you call their office and leave a message or
email them, please be sure to tell them you are a constituent when you
reach out and why transit matters to you!
2. Post to social media and tag your legislators
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