[NFBA-Phoenix] Feb 3, 2024 NFB of AZ Phoenix Chapter Business Meeting Minutes

Rachel Kuntz rkuntz at saavi.us
Sat Mar 2 05:16:24 UTC 2024

NFB of AZ Phoenix Chapter Business Meeting Minutes
Sat., Feb 3, 2024 9:30 AM

Michael  Smith, 1st Vice President
Monica Nunez, 2nd Vice President

Location - Hybrid
Saavi Services for the Blind, 2920 N. 7th ST, Phoenix, AZ 85014
Virtual over Zoom

Call to Order at 9:45 AM: Monica Nunez, 2nd Vice President and Mike Smith, 1st Vice President
Roll Call in attendance were 19 members and 2 guests.
The Pledge of Allegiance , NFB Pledge, and NFB One-Minute Message were spoken.
Members and guests made several prayer Requests, and the group took a moment to hold each person in their hearts.

Presidential Report Mike reported that he is immensely proud of how we are pulling together to get things done and to keep up the great teamwork.

Secretary's Report Rachel, Secretary
Business Meeting Minutes, December 2023 and January 2024.
Rachel was not able to give the report. Sharonda Goode moved to review the December and January Secretary's Reports when available. Macaulay Beasley seconded. The motion carried.

Treasurer's Report - Donna Silba, Treasurer
February 2024
Sharonda moved to approve the Treasurer's Report as read. Macaulay seconded. The motion carried.
Donna noted that she found an error in the report for January and has corrected it.

Membership Committee /New Member Welcome -Vicki Farley and Monica Nunez, Co-Chairs
Rachel moved to accept Joe Giacinto as a chapter member. Sharonda seconded. The motion carried.
Mike reminded people to pay Dues for 2024.
Rachel mentioned the plan to share membership roster including their phone and email this month.
Donna noted all the ways in which people can pay.

Presidential Release: n/a, members were invited to listen to the Great Gathering in on Jan 29, 2024.

Legislative Report National/affiliate
Washington Seminar Report
The issues advocated for were Accessible medical devices, web site accessibility standards, and changes to the way SSDI is impacted by earning a wage.
Macaulay and Joe shared their positive experience attending the Washington Seminar which included riding the train to the Senate building.

Phoenix Seminar Report
The issues advocated for were increased funding for the Independent Living Older Blind program, full private and accessible early voting, and setting certification requirements for teachers of the blind.
Sharonda mentioned that she enjoyed setting meetings with the legislature.
Kim Fetterman brought several members of the older blind community to advocate for themselves.
Kim, Autumn Shafer, Betty Love, and others mentioned the importance of staying involved to help further the issues because of the great importance each issue has to our community.
Stay tuned for more details from Donald and Amy Porterfield and be prepared to take action.

Technology Committee-Joe Goode, Chair
Joe and Sharonda spoke of the plans to hold technology seminars on subjects like Mastodon and others.

Fundraising Committee -Betty Love, Chair
Betty reported that plans to hold a fundraiser at a restaurant are being explored.

Social and Outreach Committee Report: Lori Kirsop, Co-Chair
Lori was in process of getting the table for lunch for the membership at Cheesecake Factory in Phoenix.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day Report
Macaulay mentioned that the event march/walk and chapter resource table went well and networking with others was rewarding. He thanked the chapter for the great participation.
Mike thanked everyone and gave a special acknowledgment to Barbara Jones for holding the table together for the chapter.
Sharonda mentioned that we did not have a table set aside for us, but they were able to work it out quickly.
Sharonda moved that the chapter participate in the 2025 Martin Luther King Junior event. Monica seconded. The motion carried.
Sharonda noted that she will research a tent to have for future events.
A committee will be formed to help plan the event for 2025. It will focus on increasing communication and volunteer participation.

Norma Roberts Wagner Picnic Plans set date and discuss ideas.
Sharonda Moved to hold the picnic on April 13. Joy Harris and Monica seconded. The motion carried.
Further research for a location will be done by the committee and discussed at the next planning meeting.

State Division and committee updates
None were provided.

New Business
Monthly Board Meeting Thursday at 7 PM prior to each Chapter Meeting
Affiliate quarterly board meeting Feb 10 at 9:30 AM in Phoenix.
National and affiliate scholarship deadlines are coming up. Remember that it will include reaching out to the Affiliate President, Donald Porterfield. Plan for enough time to get all requirements completed.
National Convention registration is open.
Jernigan Scholarship will help first time convention attendees with travel expenses. Betty mentioned her experience and made recommendation to ask for what you need and that the process is quite easy. Copy and paste your question/answers for the request to reference when talking things over with Donald P.
On a related note, Mike noted that anyone can ask for financial assistance to go to the convention from the affiliate regardless of their employment status.

Philosophy Discussion-How do we take care of our overall wellbeing?
Members shared ways in which they give themselves love like practicing mindfulness, listening to their body, self-care, doing something nice for yourself, caring for someone else can make it hard to think of yourself so choose to let go of the stress, being your own cheerleader, recruiting a group of cheerleaders, spending time with loved ones and pets, praying, taking rest when its needed, practicing yoga, listening to music, focusing on breathing, and remembering to laugh. Joe Sizemore gave a quick yoga tip for relaxation.

Birthdays/Anniversaries were celebrated.
Birth Announcement: Lemial Nathaniel Felton Moon was born to Jordan and Ashleigh Moon and big sister, Liberty, on Monday 1/15/24 at 3:25 pm weighing 6 pounds 14 ounces and measuring 20 inches long.
Fred Rockwell has a birthday in Feb.
Sharonda and Joe are attending the NFB Leadership seminar weekend in Baltimore.
Sharonda invited people to Ability Builds Confidence Classes at Saavi Services for the Blind for those interested in learning more about blindness.

Many moved to Adjourn, and the motion carried.
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