[NFBAZ-EastValleyChapter] How to hook up to a cox wifi hotspot

Tony Sohl tonysohl at samobile.net
Sun Aug 8 03:20:50 UTC 2021

How to hook up to a cox wifi hotspot

1. If you are near a cox wifi hotspot, your phone or device will say, 
"Connect to cox wifi."

2. Select the cox wifi and you will be redirected to a webpage.

3. Enter your cox login credentials For example:
Username: jonny
Password: cox

4. From this point, your device will be connected and you should be 
able to use your email or whatever you are wanting to do.

If you are using contour, then you would open the contour app and 
select the program you want to watch such as a program on live TV or a 
program that has been previously recorded.

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