[NFBAZ-EastValleyChapter] Fwd: [Nfbaz-news] Calling all federation family to the NFBA state convention

Megan Homrighausen megsvending at gmail.com
Sun Aug 8 20:56:32 UTC 2021

Megan Homrighausen

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Amy Porterfield via Nfbaz-news <nfbaz-news at az.nfb.org>
> Date: August 7, 2021 at 3:01:36 PM MST
> To: nfbaz-news at az.nfb.org
> Cc: Amy Porterfield <aporterfield at saavi.us>
> Subject: [Nfbaz-news] Calling all federation family to the NFBA state convention
> Reply-To: webmaster at az.nfb.org
> Hello Federationists,
> Our family reunion is right around the corner, and we have so many exciting sessions, connections and transformations to experience.  To make this year our best ever we need your help.  If you would like to volunteer to be a zoom runner, help support our first timers, or help connect those of us who need support attending sessions, please feel free to email me at email amypfield at gmail.com.
> Thanks and I am so looking forward to seeing you all very soon.
> Amy Porterfield
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