[NFBC-At-Large] FW: [NFBC-Info] Second Call for Resolutions for NFBC Convention

tina.thomas90044 at gmail.com tina.thomas90044 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 29 06:20:37 UTC 2020

-----Original Message-----
From: NFBC-Info <nfbc-info-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Bryan Bashin via NFBC-Info
Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 3:49 PM
To: 'NFB of California List' <nfbc-info at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Bryan Bashin <bashin at calweb.com>
Subject: [NFBC-Info] Second Call for Resolutions for NFBC Convention

California Federationists,


Just a little encouragement to those of you who wish to author resolutions for our State Convention.  The call went out last week for your drafts (see below).  If you wish to lean in on NFBC policy now is your time.  And many thanks.





Hi Federationists,


It's that  time again, just one month until we convene (remotely) for our

annual convention.


As a key part of every convention the NFB of California expresses its

collective will and policy direction through our resolution process.  Over

the years, our resolutions have sparked great changes in the wider world and

helped our affiliate define its priorities.


The Resolutions Committee would like to encourage all those thinking about

proposing resolutions to get them down and the draft resolutions emailed to

us.  Your resolutions don't have to be in  final letter-perfect form with

the first draft.  Instead, we want you to think carefully about the key

points you'd like to make and especially the actions you would like to

specify in the 'resolve' section of your  resolution.  


Unhappy  with a new DOR process?  Are new COVID procedures used in commerce,

health care or education interfering with your rights as a blind person?

Are you being shut out of Zoom meetings or other  communications during this

shelter-in-place time by your employer, school or local government?  Has a

ballot proposition or initiative threatened important rights to you?  These

and a hundred other issues can be the source of NFBC resolutions.  But only

if you write and  send us a draft.


The resolutions committee will accept all your draft resolutions up until

Monday, October 12th at 5:00 pm.  That will give us time to review, ask

questions and help guide the  draft resolutions into presentable form.

Remember, by the time of our convention resolutions committee presentation

we won't be making substantive changes in resolution language, so please get

all your draft resolutions in by the October 12th deadline to be considered.


Please send your drafts directly to Bryan Bashin, Resolutions Committee


bashin at calweb.com


I want to thank each of you personally for your efforts to make our

resolution process reflective of the diversity in our movement.  I also want

o to thank the members of the Resolutions Committee who will help guide your

drafts and present them to the full convention next month.


Kind regards,



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