[Nfbc-info] Fwd: Possible PR for blind, computer hardware systems worker

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Fri Oct 24 03:22:33 UTC 2008

>Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2008 13:54:46 -0400
>From: "D.W. Hill" <dwhill at epix.net>
>To: dandrews at visi.com
>Subject: Possible PR for blind, computer hardware systems worker
>Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="=======AVGMAIL-490108A10000======="
>I just came across this query on the HARO (Help a Reporter Out) list.
>Thought you might know someone who would be interested.  It would be 
>a chance to plug NFB as well as themselves.  The deadline is 
>November 24, '08 at 5PM Pacific. It has to be someone working with 
>computer hardware systems for a company/bureaucracy with more than 
>3,000 employees in the western US.
>Donna Hill, Head of Media Relations
>Performing Arts Division, National Federation of the Blind
>16) Summary: profiles disabled computer systems pros
>Category: Technology
>Name: elaine
>evonn.elaine at gmail.com
>Title: gibbs
>Media Outlet/Publication: Careers & the Disabled
>Anonymous? No
>Specific Geographic Region? Yes (See below)
>Region: Western U.S.
>Deadline: 5:00 PM PACIFIC - November 24
>"I have an assignment to profile 3 professionals who have some kind
>of disability and who work with computer hardware systems. The hard
>part is the companies must have at least 3,000 employees and must
>be located in CA, OR, WA, NV, AZ, or NM. Individuals can work in
>any industry, i.e. government transportation, or at a private bank,
>RD firm, retail, hospitality, etc.,as long as their job is in
>computer systems. (not software, hardware). People can call or
>email me. The deadline below is the last date for interviews. Thanks!
>For my bio & to hear clips from The Last Straw:
>Apple I-Tunes
>Performing Arts Division of the National Federation of the Blind
>E-mail message checked by Spyware Doctor (
>Database version: 5.10970e

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