[Nfbc-info] Fw: NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETINGS Proposed 2010 State Plan for Vocational Rehabilitation Services and Supported Employment Services, the Comprehensive Statewide Needs Assessment, and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

Lisamaria Martinez, NOMC lmartinez217 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 12 04:17:32 UTC 2009

Hi Californians,

I just wanted to remind all of you about these public hearings.


Subject: FW: NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETINGS Proposed 2010 State Plan for 
Vocational Rehabilitation Services and Supported Employment Services, the 
Comprehensive Statewide Needs Assessment, and the American Recovery and 
Reinvestment Act of 2009

> FW:
> This information was procured directly from the front/home page of
> www.dor.ca.gov:
> California Department of Rehabilitation
> Proposed 2010 State Plan
> for Vocational Rehabilitation Services and Supported Employment Services,
> the Comprehensive Statewide Needs Assessment, and
> the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
> Public Meetings / Focus Groups
> The Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) is inviting the public, 
> particularly
> those who represent individuals, groups or agencies, who impact or are
> impacted by the Department of Rehabilitation Vocational Rehabilitation
> Services, including Supported Employment Services, to provide public 
> comment
> on the Proposed 2010 State Plan (State Plan), Comprehensive Statewide 
> Needs
> Assessment (SNAP), and/or the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 
> 2009
> (ARRA).
> To facilitate comment, the DOR has scheduled four (4) public meetings /
> focus groups throughout the State for interested parties to present 
> comments
> to the DOR Directorate, DOR Deputy Directors, DOR District Administrators,
> and members of the State Rehabilitation Council.  Director Anthony Sauer
> and/or Chief Deputy Director Luciana Profaca will preside at each of the
> public meetings. Meeting dates and locations are listed below.
> Each public meeting will be divided into two sessions. Session I will 
> allow
> for the public to comment on the State Plan and SNAP. Session II will 
> allow
> for comment on the ARRA. You do not need to pre-register. However, if you
> plan to comment, the DOR would appreciate it if you would:
> · Pre-register by contacting the DOR by April 20, and identify which
> session(s), identified below, that you wish to address. (See contact
> information below).
> · Limit comments to three (3) minutes.
> · Prepare comments in writing, and present them at either the public 
> meeting
> or submit them to the DOR no later than 5:00pm, May 11, 2009. (See contact
> information below.)
> Walk-ins are welcome.
> Session I: Comments from the Public on SNAP and the State Plan.
> · Focus your comments on the specific questions/areas identified in 1) and
> 2) below. The questions/areas relate specifically to SNAP and the State
> Plan. These documents are available for your review at
> http://www.dor.ca.gov/public/plnlettr.htm beginning April 10, 2009.
> 1) Comprehensive Statewide Needs Assessment (SNAP)
> *The DOR defines:
> · Unserved: "Those individuals who are likely to be eligible for the DOR's
> services, but who are not receiving the DOR's services."
> · Underserved: "Those individuals who are receiving the DOR's services, 
> but
> are not receiving sufficient services to meet their needs."
> a) Who do you identify as population(s) that are either "unserved" or
> "underserved?"
> b) Of individuals who are eligible for the DOR services, how can the DOR
> effectively and efficiently outreach those unserved or better serve the
> underserved?
> c) What are the most critical needs for those eligible for DOR services to
> achieve their objective?
> d) What are the most significant barriers for those eligible for DOR
> services to obtaining their objective, and how can they be most 
> effectively
> and efficiently addressed/mitigated?
> e) What trends or challenges (related to the DOR's service needs or equity
> issues impacting individuals with significant disabilities) should the DOR
> prepare for in the next 3 to 5 years?
> 2) Proposed 2010 State Plan
> a) Please identify the specific part of the State Plan (Attachment Number
> and section within the Attachment) that you will be addressing.
> b) Please provide the DOR your opinions and comments on the identified 
> State
> Plan section. Specifically, in the State Plan, how can we better address 
> the
> needs that you identified in Item 1 above?
> Session II: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA)
> The Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) anticipates receiving $56.5 million
> in ARRA stimulus funds Title I Vocational Rehabilitation Services, $1.6
> million for Title VII-B Independent Living, and $3.7 million for Title
> VII -Chapter 2 - Independent Living Services for Older Individuals Who Are
> Blind to be utilized over the next two years. For more information on the
> ARRA, refer to  http://www.ed.gov/policy/gen/leg/recovery/index.html
> To assist the DOR in identifying areas in which to dedicate ARRA funds, we
> are requesting your input or ideas based on the criteria below. Responses
> must meet all four criteria to be considered.
> 1. Funds are for one-time use only.
> 2. Funds must be utilized to lower unemployment rates in the State of
> California.
> 3. Funds must be utilized to stimulate the California economy.
> 4. The expenditure of funds cannot result in an unfunded liability for the
> DOR, as the availability of funds is for two years only.
> Monday, April 27, 2009 (9:30am - completion)
> Department of Rehabilitation
> 721 Capitol Mall, Room 242
> Sacramento, CA, 95814
> Members of the public may participate at the Sacramento meeting via
> conference-call. Using a touch-tone phone, dial 1-877-950-6160 and enter
> Participant Pass Code 2037518#. If the number is busy, call (916) 558-5895
> and request for the alternative number.
> Parking is available at the Downtown Plaza East Garage (6th & L, 6th & J,
> 7th & K). See
> http://www.cityofsacramento.org/transportation/parking/offstreetrates.html#D
> owntownEast
> Wednesday, April 29, 2009 (10:00am - completion)
> Elihu M. Harris Building
> State of California
> Department of Rehabilitation
> 1515 Clay Street, Room 1 (Second Floor)
> Oakland, CA, 94612
> For parking information, see
> http://maps.live.com/OneClickDirections.aspx?rtp=~pos.37.805373_-122.273548_
> 1414%20Clay%20St%2c%20Oakland%2c%20CA%2094612_Clay%20Street%20Garage_(510)%2
> 0893-9669_e_YN119x2205536&rtv=0&mkt=en-US&FORM=LLDP
> Friday, May 8, 2009 (9:30am - completion)
> City of Irvine, City Hall
> 1 Civic Center Plaza
> Irvine, CA  92623
> Please note that food and drink are not allowed in the Irvine City 
> Chambers.
> For maps and driving directions, see
> http://www.cityofirvine.org/maps/popups/irvine_city_hall.htm
> Monday, May 11, 2009 (9:30am - completion)
> Hugh M. Burns State Building
> Department of Rehabilitation
> 2550 Mariposa Mall, Room 1036 (1st Floor)
> Fresno, CA  93721
> For map of location, see
> http://www.mapquest.com/maps?city=Fresno&state=CA&address=2550+Mariposa+Mall
> If disability-related accommodations are required for your attendance at 
> the
> DOR meetings, or if you require the documents in an alternative format,
> contact the DOR no later than 3 days before the meeting, and reference
> "State Plan/SNAP Meeting." (See contact information below.) Copies of
> materials will be made available at each session. Interpreters for the 
> deaf
> and hard-of-hearing, as well as foreign language translators, will be
> provided only upon request, no later than 3 days prior to the meeting.
> In consideration of attendees who are sensitive to environmental odors
> created by chemicals and perfumes, please avoid the use of fragrances at
> these meetings.
> Department of Rehabilitation
> Re: State Plan, SNAP, and ARRA Public Meeting
> Planning Unit
> 721 Capitol Mall, 3rd Floor
> Sacramento, California 95814
> Phone: (916) 558-5895
> TTY: (916) 558-5807
> FAX: (916) 558-5879
> E-mail: planningsurvey at dor.ca.gov

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