[Nfbc-info] California art group

JKTomasell at aol.com JKTomasell at aol.com
Fri Aug 7 05:35:45 UTC 2009

    I am the chairperson for the art group for our  affiliate.  For the 
last three years at our state convention we have a  yearly meeting for the art 
group.  We have wonderful speakers speaking  about their handy work in their 
art and/or craft work.  Also we as a group  display a variety of either art 
and/or craft work to showcase the many different  talents that our 
affiliate has in the field or art and also craft work.   The meeting for the art 
group usually happens on the Friday of state convention  usually right after 
the CABS student division meeting.  For now I am  looking for speakers and 
also those who want to showcase their art or craft work  for this year's art 
group meeting at state convention in Newark.  If  interested pleas contact me 
at either (925)594-2583 or via email at _jktomasell at aol.com_ 
(mailto:jktomasell at aol.com) .  Stay tuned for  more information about what time and where 
the art group meeting is going to be  held at state convention in Newark.  
Happy arts and crafting!!!!
Jaime Tomasello, Chairperson for the California art group of the  NFBC

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