[Nfbc-info] Pre-Registration for CABS Seminar, State Convention 2009

Aziza C daydreamingncolor at gmail.com
Sat Aug 29 16:41:50 UTC 2009

Hi All,
In the hopes of minimizing the chaos that often accompanies
registration, the paying of dues and what not before the CABS Seminar,
we have decided to take a new approach. Those wishing to be members
for this coming year should email me off list at:
daydreamingncolor at gmail.com

With the following information:
1: Name.
2: Email.
3: Phone number, (Cell and/or home.)
4: Mailing Address. (Optional.)
5: School you are attending.
6: Major.

I will then compile a list of members to submit to our treasurer who
in turn will check off your name when CABS receives your anual dues.
If no dues are received, you will remain on our contact list, however
you will not be considered an active member of CABS.

So, please. Unless you enjoy standing in a chaoitic line, submit the
above information to me before convention.

Thank you.
Aziza Cano
California Association of Blind Students

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