[Nfbc-info] FW: Re: SDNN on NFB Newsline

Eric Calhoun eric at pmpmail.com
Wed Mar 25 13:22:40 UTC 2009

Here's a follow-up message I received from Neil, (the publisher of SDNN.) 
He's eager to speak to us!


Original Message: 
From: Neil Senturia <Neil at blackbirdv.com>
To: 'Eric Calhoun' <eric at pmpmail.com>
Subject: Re: SDNN on NFB Newsline
Wed, 25 Mar 2009 06:00:28 -0700

we do not charge for content...

and we would be thrilled to reach out to you and assist you in your
discussion with the national federation of the blind and carrying sdnn...

please send us a fone number and someone on the team will get back to you
(might be 2-3 days, as we are a bit buried ::)) but we will respond...

I think this is important and we want to make ourselves available....

and even more importantly, is there someone who represents the blind who
could possibly blog for us...

we hold ourselves as a website that wants a conversation with san
diego....first part of a conversation is listening...

thank you 


neil senturia
ceo, san diego news network
2223 avenida de la playa
ste 120
la jolla, ca 92037
o: (858) 754-3201
c: (619) 318-9052

-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Calhoun [mailto:eric at pmpmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2009 5:52 AM
To: neil at sdnn.com
Subject: New subscriber, prior to Mar. 23: Please consider talking to the
National Federation of the Blind

Hi,I want to find out if you may or will be charging for content.  I
belong to National Federation of the Blind, Newsline.  We currently offer
the San Diego Union-Tribune, but I'm approaching them about carrying SDNN. 
Many of us around the country, use newspapers, the same way SDNN is; an
Internet newspaper.  But most of us do not own computers, making the blind-
and visually-impaired communities of San Diego and beyond very difficult. 
You can find out more about us by going to nfbnewsline.org.  

Overall, you're doing a damn good job!  Keep it up, and you'll get newer

Eric Calhoun: eric at pmpmail.com, chargerdodger at yahoo.com


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Eric from Los Angeles

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