[Nfbc-info] Save WayFinder Access Petition

Michael Hingson info at michaelhingson.com
Sat Mar 6 05:39:01 UTC 2010


As some of you know, Way Finder Access GPS has been discontinued. There is a
site that is getting signatures together to try to get some answer from the
company that has the rights to Way Finder to try to find out what is going
to happen with it and if someone else can pick up the coding for it. You can
find out more about this by going to the below web site and reading the
information on it. We encourage people to sign the site.

As of now, Way Finder Access is the only fully usable GPS for the Symbian
platform. Yes LoadStone-gps is out there but isn't designed at this time to
generate routs for people.

You also know that MobileSpeak and Talks screen readers work very well with
Way Finder Access. So
please take the time to read the following site and sign your name and
provide any comments if you have them about the product and how you may use

Signed: Stephen Giggar
Skype: dr-phone.

Hardware eventually fails, software eventually works.
No amount of bandwidth can fix poor design.


Mike Hingson

The Michael Hingson Group, INC.
      "Speaking with Vision"
                  Michael Hingson, President
                          (415) 827-4084
                    info at michaelhingson.com

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