[Nfbc-info] Mark Your Calendar:Public Meeting on PROPOSED 2011 Department of Rehabilitation State Plan

Serena Olsen olsen.serena at gmail.com
Mon Mar 15 20:38:34 UTC 2010

It's time to move the troops!  This is an excellent opportunity to
make our voices heard about much-needed changes in the Department of

Please see below,
Serena Olsen, MAIPS

To: Undisclosed recipients
Subject: Mark Your Calendar:Public Meeting on PROPOSED 2011 Department
of Rehabilitation State Plan


Please mark your calendar and pass on this important opportunity to
your networks.

Thank you.

Brian Connors
Chair, State Rehabilitation Council
Department of Rehabilitation
(916) 654-3425

The Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) is inviting the public,
particularly those who represent individuals, groups or agencies, who
impact or are impacted by the Department of Rehabilitation Vocational
Rehabilitation Services, including Supported Employment Services, to
provide public comment on the Proposed 2011State Plan.

To facilitate comment, the DOR has scheduled three (3) public meetings
throughout the State for interested parties to present comments to the
DOR Directorate, DOR Deputy Directors, DOR District Administrators,
and members of the State Rehabilitation Council.  Director Anthony
Sauer and/or Chief Deputy Director Luciana Profaca will preside at
each of the public meetings.

The theme of the public meetings is “EMPLOYMENT OUTCOMES.”  To guide
your comments, consider the specific questions identified below:

a.      What are the primary barriers that the DOR should be
addressing for individuals with disabilities to become successfully

b.  What strategies do you suggest that would best support efficient
and effective partnerships to serve individuals with disabilities?

c.  What systems/infrastructure do you recommend enhancing or changing
to increase accessibility and improve services for individuals with
disabilities for them to achieve employment, independence, and
equality? And, how would you suggest that these adjustments be

d.  Given the current economic climate, what innovative, non-financial
practices would you suggest to DOR to maximize quality employment,
independence, and equality for individuals with disabilities?

e.  How should the DOR plan to efficiently prepare for:

i.       The changing job market
ii. The changing demographics of the consumer population, including
the unserved and unserved

Meeting dates and locations are:

Wednesday, April 14, 2010 (9:30am - 12:30 pm*)
Department of Rehabilitation
721 Capitol Mall, Room 242
Sacramento, CA, 95814
Contact DOR by 9 am on April 6, 2010 for disability-related
accommodations by following the procedures below.**

Monday, April 26, 2010 (10:00am - 1:00 pm*)
Alfred E. Alquist State Building
State of California
Department of Rehabilitation
100 Paseo De San Antonio
San Jose, CA 95113-1402
Contact DOR by 9 am on April 15, 2010 for disability-related
accommodations by following the procedures below.**

Friday, April 30, 2010 (10:00am - 1:00 pm*)
Westside Regional Center
5901 Green Valley Circle
Culver City, CA 90230
Contact DOR by 9 am on April 21, 2010 for disability-related
accommodations by following the procedures below.**

Contact Information:

Department of Rehabilitation
Re: Proposed 2011 State Plan
Planning Unit
721 Capitol Mall, 3rd Floor
Sacramento, California 95814
Phone: (916) 558-5895
TTY: (916) 558-5807
FAX: (916) 558-5879
E-mail: planningsurvey at dor.ca.gov <mailto:planningsurvey at dor.ca.gov>

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