[Nfbc-info] Fw: DisAbility Sports Festival - Please Help

Jennifer Boylan jaboylan at sbcglobal.net
Mon Sep 13 15:07:02 UTC 2010

Hi Listers,
I have been asked to share info about the Disability Sports Festival at CSU San Bernardino Oct. 2.  Attached you will find flyers for this free event in both English and Spanish.  I would ask that any blind or sighted interested in the sport of beep baseball or in getting a team going in Southern California attend this festival as my friend Kevin Burton and his teammate from the Wichita Sonics (KS) are traveling to this event to promote the sport and trying to help get something started.  Please contact Kevin if you have any questions or would like to be involved in this.  His work number is 1-888-425-7072.  Please also feel free to contact me at any time if I can be of assistance to you with beep baseball or other matters.
Thanks for your support, hope many of you can turn out to make this festival great!
Jennifer Boylan, Captain
Stockton Stingrays Beep Baseball Team
San Joaquin Chapter NFBC

--- On Mon, 8/30/10, DisAbility Sports Festival <sportfes at csusb.edu> wrote:

From: DisAbility Sports Festival <sportfes at csusb.edu>
Subject: DisAbility Sports Festival - Please Help
Date: Monday, August 30, 2010, 12:21 PM


Would you please be so kind and spread the word about the DisAbility Sports Festival to those that you think may be interested in attending the festival. We are hoping to reach our goal of 600 participants! I have included the information about the festival along with the save the date flyer in English and Spanish. The link to register to participate is below. If you or your students have any questions, our contact information is below. Thank you for your help!

It is that time of year again. You're invited to The DisAbility Sports Festival hosted at Cal State San Bernardino. Come enjoy this event with great friends, family, music, events, and  food. This is an absolute free event for all participants. So register today by clicking the link below and enjoy all your Abilities. 

The FREE 4th annual DisAbility Sports Festival will be held at Cal State San Bernardino on Saturday, Oct. 2, 2010 from 9a.m. - 3:30p.m. This year, we expect to have 600 participants including 100 veterans at the free festival. Please register fast as spaces will fill. We will introduce the participants to at least 16 different sports with most sports being coached by an elite internationally competing athlete with a disability. We also provide free breakfast and lunch to all the participants and t-shirts to all those who pre-register.

Our keynote speaker during Opening Ceremonies will be Angela Madsen. Angela Madsen (http://www.rowoflife.com/) became paraplegic during a surgery while serving her country as a US Marine. Since that time, she has rowed the Indian and Atlantic Oceans and just came back from rowing around the UK. She will be bringing her boat that she rowed across the Atlantic Ocean. Please help us spread the word so that we can reach our goals of 600 participants and 100 military personnel. We would love for you to come out! 

To find more information about the festival and to register to participate, please go to  http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07e2zi39jr1ab1294a We ask that parents do not register to volunteer as we would love for you to watch your favorite participant succeed in all their activities. As always, if you have any special needs/accommodations or further concerns or questions, feel free to contact the DisAbility Sports Festival Office at the contact information below. 

See you on Oct. 2! 

Aaron Moffett

DisAbility Sports Festival
Dept of Kinesiology
5500 University Parkway
San Bernardino, CA 92407
(909)537-5352 (w)
(909)537-7085 (f)
sportfes at csusb.edu

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