[Nfbc-info] Announcment Catch Our Dreams lunch and auction

Mary Willows mwillows at sbcglobal.net
Tue Apr 26 06:09:23 UTC 2011

I am so pleased to announce an upcoming event which will bring together Federationists, family members, friends and people in the community who support changing what it means to be blind.

It is called, "Catch Our Dreams.  We are using the picture of a dream catcher which filters out bad dreams and only lets in the good dreams.  That is what we hope to communicate.  Our good dreams and hopes for the future of blind people in California.

The purpose of this outreach and public education campaign, is to raise awareness  and promote the Chemistry Camp, Scholarships for blind College Students, Braille Seminars for Parents of Blind Children, and workshops to empower blind people to take charge of their lives.

The auctionincludes items donated by such supporting organizations as the 49ers, San Jose Sharks, many hotels, spas and many, many vintage wines from some of our reknowned Napa wineries.

We will spend the afternoon laughing with Baca and his Ventriloquist, Bill Passmore.

Tickets are only $25.00 which will include a posta lunch and entertainment.

Please see the attached flyer to learn more about
"Catch Our Dreams" 2011 and forward the flyer to everyone you know.  Let's make it a success so we can help to improve the lives of blind people.

See you in Fairfield on June 12.

Mary Willows, President
National Federation of the Blind of California
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