[Nfbc-info] Proper eticate on our list serve

Mary Willows mwillows at sbcglobal.net
Sun Feb 6 23:47:59 UTC 2011

Dear listers:
This is a reminder that our affiliate list serve is not a vehicle for 
fundraising for outside agencies or organizations.  While we certainly do 
benefit from announcements about services to blind people, it is not 
appropriate to ask our members to donate to organizations other than our 

I am certain that by now everyone has heard about the historic event that 
took place in Daytona on January 29, 2011.  Mark Riccobono drove a car at 
the Blind Driver Challenge.  It is the work of the National Federation of 
the Blind that makes events such as this happen.

I would like to acknowledge Brian Buhrow for his participation in the Blind 
Driver Challenge.    It is because of people like Brian who are willing to 
share their experience, strength and hope for the future that we are so 

Go out and make it a great day and spread the word about the work of the 

Mary Willows, President
National Federation of the Blind of California
mwillows at sbcglobal.net 

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