[Nfbc-info] Emergency Assistance for a Fellow Federationist

Mary Willows mwillows at sbcglobal.net
Tue May 22 05:42:24 UTC 2012

On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 9:01 PM, Mary Willows <mwillows at sbcglobal.net> 

  My Dear Fellow Federationists:

  There are times when only the love and support of family can get one 
through one of lifes crisis.  This is one of those times for two of our 
beloved Federationists, Melissa Haney, our affiliate Treasurer,  and Cal 
Sanders. Cal is the man who happily dresses up like Whozit for affiliate 

  As most of you know, Cal and Melissa will be getting married on Sunday, 
May 27, 2012 which is this coming Sunday.  Many of us will be attending the 
wedding to witness two of our favorite people recite their nuptuals in front 
of family and friends.

  This past Saturday night, while Cal and Melissa were shopping for last 
minute decorations for the wedding, they received a call from Melissa’s 
daughter who was having emergency car problems out on the road.  So they 
went to help her daughter and stayed with her until they were sure the car 
was working.  When they returned to their home they found the front door 
open and the house in flames.  They had been burglarized and the house set 
on fire.  They have lost everything.  Fortunately, Melissa’s dress was still 
being altered and therefore not in the house at the time.  So there will be 
a wedding on Sunday as planned.

  I am letting all of you know about this because we have set up a mechanism 
by which you can make a tax deductable donation to the Sanders Emergency 
Relief Fund.  The insurance company is providing them with a hotel room 
until they can find a house to rent to live in for a couple of years.

  I am just heartsick about this tragic event.  Melissa told us not to buy 
them anything for the house because they had everything they needed.  Cal 
did all of the remodeling and fixing up of that old house from the floor up. 
Now they have only the shirts on their backs.  As Melissa told me today, “At 
least they are safe and they have each other”.  Cal managed to run in the 
house and save the new kitten but, that was all they got out.

  I wanted to create a secure method of allowing friends to help them out so 
here is how it will work.

  Follow the link below and it will take you to a Formstack page that has 
been designed and set up for this emergency relief purpose.  Your 
information is secured through Paypal.  You will receive a confirmation from 
the National Federation of the Blind of California to be retained for your 
tax deductable records.  The donations are coded and will be kept separate 
from the affiliate money.  I, personally, will make arrangements to transfer 
the money to Cal and Melissa as soon as they can get through this weekend 
and begin to plan for their future together.

  The link is http://www.formstack.com/forms/?1223360-TraWO3zJ8N

  Mary Willows, President
  National Federation of the Blind of California
  mwillows at sbcglobal.net

Mary Willows, President
National Federation of the Blind of California
mwillows at sbcglobal.net 

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