[Nfbc-info] inviting you to the san fernando valley chapter meeting, saturday, april 13 2013

NFB SFV Chapter nfbevents at gmail.com
Thu Apr 11 06:26:13 UTC 2013

The San Fernando Valley chapter of the National federation of the Blind
California would like to invite you to our chapter meeting, Saturday, April
13, 2013. We invited special guests from Access Services who will discuss
current program information. Please see the attached flyer for details. 


Please keep in mind that the purpose of having these guest speakers at our
meeting is to make them aware of and have him address general issues and
concerns that affect Access Services riders in this area, not to resolve
individual complaints. Also, since time may be limited, rather than having
attendees ask questions during the presentation, we ask that you please
relay your concerns to us via email or by phone instead. This will help us
to put together an effective list of questions so that as many concerns as
possible are thoroughly addressed.


If you're planning to attend, please RSVP as soon as possible to help us
make arrangements for enough seats and refreshments. 


Thank you! We look forward to having you at the meeting. 




Racquel Decipeda 

Alternate Email: racquelmd29 at gmail.com or nfbevents at gmail.com

Alternate Phone: 818-457-1482


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