[Nfbc-info] FYI FW: Senate Bill 105 Biennial Report- July 2013

Michael Hingson info at michaelhingson.com
Wed Jul 10 03:54:57 UTC 2013



From: Xavier, Joe at DOR [mailto:Joe.Xavier at dor.ca.gov] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2013 07:45 PM
To: Xavier, Joe at DOR
Subject: Senate Bill 105 Biennial Report- July 2013


<<SB-105-Biennial-Rpt-2013.pdf>> <<SB-105-Biennial-Rpt-2013.doc>> [Also

To              Department of Rehabilitation Stakeholders

>From    :       Legislative & External Affairs


Date    :       July 9, 2013

Subject :       Senate Bill 105 Biennial Report- July 2013


The Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) is pleased to announce the release of
the 2013 Senate Bill 105 Biennial Report which was submitted to the
Legislature last week.  The report is on the DOR website at:
http://www.dor.ca.gov/Executive/Legislation.html.  Please share the report
with your colleagues and partners.   

Pursuant to the requirements of SB 105 (Chapter 1102, Statutes of 2002), DOR
is required to provide a biennial report to the Legislature on programs and
activities of the Specialized Services Division (SSD). This report provides
high level statistics on competitive employment placements for persons who
are blind and visually impaired and deaf and hard of hearing, as well as an
update on the programs administered by the SSD.  This is DOR's fifth
biennial report to the Legislature.

If you would like the report in an alternate format (e.g., Braille), please
contact Adrian Weatherspoon at (916) 558-5815 or
<mailto:Adrian.Weatherspoon at dor.ca.gov> Adrian.Weatherspoon at dor.ca.gov .

Thank you,

External Affairs

Department of Rehabilitation

V: (916) 558-5874

F: (916) 558-5871

 <mailto:externalaffairs at dor.ca.gov> externalaffairs at dor.ca.gov

8258> Subscribe to the DOR Email Newsletter

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