[Nfbc-info] Catch Our Dreams Fundraiser Success

Ramona Longoria ramona.longoria at gmail.com
Sun Nov 3 22:27:47 UTC 2013

Hello Everyone, I want to say Thank-You to Cheryl Thurston, Ever Lee
Hairston, Tish and Rick Watson for their participation in the Southern
 California Dream Catcher Fundraiser and to all that Assisted Cheryl in
organizing this event.  It was a Success and WE all had to much fun!!!
Everyone enjoyed themselves and  the atmosphere was Fabulous.  Thank you
Ever Lee for making this event a GOOD one, you just bring laughter and
happiness into a room.  Cheryl, you put a lot of time, effort and love into
making it happen.  The music and food were great.  The Auctions were so
much FUN!!! I'm still thinking about the Hello Kitty Purse that I did not
get, Thanks to a higher bidder, but that is what an Auction is about.  We
still had a lot of laughs.  Looking forward to our next gathering.  NFB
members are family and it's good that we try and be there for each other.

Thank YOU, once again
Mona Longoria,Escondido Chapter

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