[Nfbc-info] SB1109 hearing next Tuesday and other information

Shannon Dillon shannonldillon at gmail.com
Mon Apr 21 16:39:07 UTC 2014

When I tried to submit my email to Ben Hueso through his Web site, I
had to state the city of my residence, and then the form won't allow
me to submit my email because it recognizes that I'm not in his
district. Did anyone else find a different way to submit this email?
Otherwise I guess we have to send by snail mail.

On 4/17/14, Michael Hingson <info at michaelhingson.com> wrote:
> Greetings everyone,
> As you know, for several years we have been fighting to secure fair wages
> for all blind people by eliminating provisions in the law that allow
> sheltered workshops and other organizations to pay blind workers and other
> workers with disabilities less than the minimum wage.  On the national
> level
> we have been making considerable progress on this.  Now, we have an
> opportunity here in California to affect change on the local and state
> level.
> At present, the law permits organizations that enter into contracts with
> the
> state of California to pay workers with disabilities less than the minimum
> wage.  Sheltered workshops and some agencies have been very happy with this
> current arrangement and, of course, would not like to see a change.
> However, earlier this year Senator Ben Hueso of the 40th California
> senatorial district introduced SB 1109 which if passed will change the law
> and eliminate wage discrimination for all persons with disabilities.  This
> is an exciting opportunity for us to affect real change in California
> concerning the concept of minimum wage.
> Briefly, SB 1109 calls for a change in the law which would mandate that any
> agency or organization wishing to do business with the state of California
> must pay all employees the minimum wage prescribed by law.  I am not going
> to include the text of the law here as there is still a possibility there
> may be some small amendments before Tuesday.  This bill makes it clear that
> under the revised law no organization or agency can enter into any kind of
> contract with the state of California if it pays any of its workers a sub
> minimum wage.
> SB 1109 is being heard next Tuesday morning at 9:30 AM by the Government
> organization Committee at the state capital in room 4203.  I'm writing to
> ask you to do two things concerning this bill in order to help its passage.
> First, if there is any way that you can do so we need you to come to
> Sacramento to be at the hearing to show support for the bill.  If you would
> be willing to testify this would be a plus.  You do not need to arrange or
> even prepare any kind of advanced testimony.  Your testimony could be a
> simple as "my name is... And I am here to tell you that I think it is wrong
> that any organization contracting with the state of California can pay me
> or
> any person with a disability a subminimum wage while every person without a
> disability gets a guaranteed minimum wage ".  Of course, this is just one
> example of what you might say.  What we need are large numbers of people to
> attend the hearing.  The NFB of California does have some funding to help
> with expenses for people who can come to Sacramento.  I realize that it
> will
> be difficult for many people from the South to be able to come, but if any
> of you can make the hearing it would be great.  We do need lots of folks
> from the north, of course.  If you are interested in attending the hearing
> please email me expressing your interest.  Please include contact
> information such as name, phone number, and email address.  I will pass
> your
> information to President Willows.  Again, please express your interest by
> sending me an email.  By the way, we understand that the opposition will be
> bringing many people including individuals with developmental disabilities
> who will say that passage of this bill would eliminate jobs for disabled
> persons throughout the state.  The opposition will be working hard to bring
> lots of people to the hearing.
> Second, we need everyone to send letters of support for SB 1109 to Senator
> Correa (Chair, Government organization Committee).  Send emails to the
> senator through his committee consultant, Paul Donahue at
> Paul.Donahue at sen.ca.gov.  Here is sample wording for you to use.
> " As a person with a disability, I support SB 1109 because I feel that
> paying people with disabilities subminimum wages is immoral, discriminatory
> and unfair. I know that if state contracts are only awarded to entities
> that
> pay all workers at least the minimum wage, then businesses that utilize
> 14(c) certificates will likely change their business models so that they
> can
> obtain state contracts. Just as President Obama's recent Executive Order
> will ensure that people with disabilities employed under federal government
> contracts that provide services and concessions will be paid $10.10 an
> hour,
> it is encouraging that state contracts in California will also ensure
> people
> with disabilities the pay equality we deserve.
>  The biggest obstacle facing people with disabilities is that we are often
> held to lower expectations than our non-disabled peers. Legally allowing
> entities to pay us subminimum wages just reinforces this fallible belief.
> Passage of this bill will be a great step forward in ensuring that people
> with disabilities are paid fair wages.
>> Thank you for your consideration of SB 1109.  I hope you will fight for
> equality for people with disabilities by helping to pass this important
> legislation..
>  Sincerely,"
> it would also be helpful to email Senator Hueso expressing your support for
> his bill.  Here is some sample wording for a letter to Senator Hueso.
> The Honorable Ben Hueso
> State Capitol, Room 2054
> Sacramento, CA 95814
>  Dear Senator Hueso:
>  Thank you for introducing S.B. 1109 State contracts: integrated
> employment:
> persons with disabilities.
>  As a person with a disability, I support this bill because I feel that
> paying people with disabilities subminimum wages is immoral, discriminatory
> and unfair. I know that if state contracts are only awarded to entities
> that
> pay all workers at least the minimum wage, then businesses that utilize
> 14(c) certificates will likely change their business models so that they
> can
> obtain state contracts. Just as President Obama's recent Executive Order
> will ensure that people with disabilities employed under federal government
> contracts that provide services and concessions will be paid $10.10 an
> hour,
> it is encouraging that state contracts in California will also ensure
> people
> with disabilities the pay equality we deserve.
>  The biggest obstacle facing people with disabilities is that we are often
> held to lower expectations than our non-disabled peers. Legally allowing
> entities to pay us subminimum wages just reinforces this fallible belief.
> Passage of this bill will be a great step forward in ensuring that people
> with disabilities are paid fair wages.
>  Thank you for fighting for equality for people with disabilities.
>  Sincerely,
> if you have any questions or want to talk about any issues concerning the
> legislation and what I've asked you to do please feel free to email me at
> mike at michaelhingson.com or phone me at (415) 827-4084.  Thanks very much
> for
> helping us to work with Senator Hueso to pass this legislation.  I hope
> everyone can make it to Sacramento.  Wouldn't that be a great site?  I look
> forward to hearing from many of you as you make plans to come help with
> this
> effort.  I know that you did not have a lot of notice, but neither did any
> of us.  Thanks again.
> Best,
> Michael Hingson


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