[Nfbc-info] K. C. domestic violence survivor

Lisa Irving via Nfbc-info nfbc-info at nfbnet.org
Fri May 16 17:32:05 UTC 2014

Last year I wrote a number of articles that centered on domestic violence
and sexual assault issues. My articles included quite a bit of research. I
found it appalling that one research project, in the early 1990s,
specifically addressed domestic violence and the blind community. ) 105
individuals were surveyed at an ACB convention.)  On the other hand, there
are tons of research studies that focused on persons with intellectual and
cognitive disabilities and the deaf community. 


One of the reasons I wrote those articles was to get information into the
hands of blind and visually impaired individuals. Shelters, domestic
violence organizations, the courts and some mental health providers are
unprepared to provide equal access to supports. The traumatized survivor is
already swimming in a sea of paperwork and bureaucracy. That's not the time
for the person to advocate and educate individuals and organizations. 


October is Domestic Violence Awareness month and April is Sexual Assault
Awareness month. I believe that the National Federation of the Blind as a
whole needs to advocate, educate and insist that domestic violence/sexual
assault, (DV/SA) organizations are prepared BEFORE the blind/visually
impaired survivor walks through the door. 



Lisa Irving

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